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Take Care of Your Diabetes Everyday and Live a Healthy Life

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It is a condition in which blood glucose levels are too high. It is a condition characterized by faulty sugar metabolism and results in high levels of sugar in the bloodstream. It falls in three categories. In type 1, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin whereas, in type 2, your body becomes resistant to insulin. If not treated, the disease can lead to life threatening complications that include heart and circulatory disease, cataracts, and kidney failure. Pregnant women can also get such condition called gestational diabetes. It generally clears up after childbirth. It can be controlled by making some healthy lifestyle changes such as eating balanced diet, exercising and regular monitoring.

Insulin Resistance

Glucose is the prime energy source. The hallmark of this disease is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is such a condition in which cells fail to respond to the effects of insulin. Without enough insulin, the glucose remains in the blood. Regular exercise, weight control, and eating the balanced meal help control this disease. A healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced meal, regular exercise and nutritional supplementation can prevent such condition.

Diabetics should aware that exercise helps them to control their sugar levels. Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity. People who exercise regularly have a dramatically reduced risk of developing such condition.


Signs and symptoms associated with this life threatening disease include excessive thirst, frequent urination, increased hunger, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision and slow healing sores.


The risk factors of this disease include being overweight, family history, lack of physical activity, eating more carbohydrate than usual, certain medications, any change in your normal daily routine.


 Heart and Blood Vessel Disease

It increases your risk of various cardiovascular problems such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.

 Nerve damage

Excess sugar can injure the walls of vessels that nourish your nerves.

 Kidney damage

The kidneys contain millions of tiny vessels that filter waste material from your body. This disease can damage this delicate filtering system and severe damage can lead to kidney failure.

 Eye damage

This disease can damage the vessels of retina and sometimes leads to blindness.

 Foot damage

Hyperglycemia leads to the damage of nerves of foot and increase the risk of various foot complications.

Blood Glucose Meter

Diabetics should monitor their sugar level on regular basis. A glucometer such as Accu-Chek is a medical device that determines the concentration of sugar in the blood. A lancet is used to prick the skin to obtain a small drop of blood. A drop of blood is placed on a disposable test strip then the meter calculates the sugar levels. The meter then displays the readings in mg/dl. Blood glucose meter is an easy tool of measuring the concentration of glucose in the blood. Regular monitoring is an integral part of diabetes management. Healthy eating and physical activity is necessary for successful management.

When it comes to successful diabetes management, blood glucose control is often the central theme. It can help you live a long and healthy life.

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