Learn How To Improve Your Memory
There are lots of things you can do to improve your memory.
Just like your muscles, if you do not exercise it, it will not get any bigger, firmer or stronger.
Having a powerful memory is a huge asset.
You will be able to learn fast.
You can be on top of your class, succeed in your job and even in your life.
Not remembering things happens all the time.
As we grow older, it is typical to be forgetful.
Having poor memory can be also be because we have poor recollection.
But recollection is only possible if the information is retained or recorded in our memory.
If your brain was not able to record the information or content, then you cannot recall at all.
But thanks to Dr.
William James, Father of American Psychology, and many others including mnemonists, for they have given emphasis on how to record things in our memory.
So if you want to improve your memory, learn these simple techniques.
These techniques improve assimilation and recollection, thus giving you longer retention.
In this method, numbers or other information can be divided into smaller chunks or groups.
This helps in remembering multi-digit numbers.
For example, instead of memorizing the numbers 657334098, break it into 657-334-098.
Visual Image.
This is done when you associate certain information to a visual image with a word or name to help improve your memory.
An example is when you want to remember the spelling of the word carnation.
You can think of yourself riding on a car going to another country.
So car + nation.
An acronym is a word that is made up by taking the first letter of the keywords or information you want to remember.
For example you thought of the word BEST because you need to buy bread, eggs, sugar and tofu in the grocery store.
Make up a sentence.
The sentence made up is composed of words that associate to the keywords you want to remember.
Example is Every Good Boy Does Fine stands for the lines in the treble clef representing the notes E, G, B, D, and F.
This is one of the most common and oldest methods of memorization.
Through use of rhymes and rhythms, it would be very easy to remember things for words are easily linked together.
Here is one popular example of this technique that is familiar to most of the students.
"Thirty days haveth September April, June and November All the rest have thirty-one February has twenty-eight alone Except in leap year, then the time When Febs days are twenty-nine.
" These are just some of the many ways to boost your memory.
They are really easy to do.
Try these techniques and you can improve your memory quickly and you'll be amazed with the results.
Just like your muscles, if you do not exercise it, it will not get any bigger, firmer or stronger.
Having a powerful memory is a huge asset.
You will be able to learn fast.
You can be on top of your class, succeed in your job and even in your life.
Not remembering things happens all the time.
As we grow older, it is typical to be forgetful.
Having poor memory can be also be because we have poor recollection.
But recollection is only possible if the information is retained or recorded in our memory.
If your brain was not able to record the information or content, then you cannot recall at all.
But thanks to Dr.
William James, Father of American Psychology, and many others including mnemonists, for they have given emphasis on how to record things in our memory.
So if you want to improve your memory, learn these simple techniques.
These techniques improve assimilation and recollection, thus giving you longer retention.
In this method, numbers or other information can be divided into smaller chunks or groups.
This helps in remembering multi-digit numbers.
For example, instead of memorizing the numbers 657334098, break it into 657-334-098.
Visual Image.
This is done when you associate certain information to a visual image with a word or name to help improve your memory.
An example is when you want to remember the spelling of the word carnation.
You can think of yourself riding on a car going to another country.
So car + nation.
An acronym is a word that is made up by taking the first letter of the keywords or information you want to remember.
For example you thought of the word BEST because you need to buy bread, eggs, sugar and tofu in the grocery store.
Make up a sentence.
The sentence made up is composed of words that associate to the keywords you want to remember.
Example is Every Good Boy Does Fine stands for the lines in the treble clef representing the notes E, G, B, D, and F.
This is one of the most common and oldest methods of memorization.
Through use of rhymes and rhythms, it would be very easy to remember things for words are easily linked together.
Here is one popular example of this technique that is familiar to most of the students.
"Thirty days haveth September April, June and November All the rest have thirty-one February has twenty-eight alone Except in leap year, then the time When Febs days are twenty-nine.
" These are just some of the many ways to boost your memory.
They are really easy to do.
Try these techniques and you can improve your memory quickly and you'll be amazed with the results.