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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Methods to Quit Smoking - The Right Methods For You

This article will cover some quit smoking methods that you can choose from.But you have to know this, there are no best methods to quit smoking but it is depend on you and you have to choose the right methods for you....More...

Smokers Don't Grow Old - Because They Die Young

Even if total quit in smoking is not able to increase your lifespan as a smoker, it will definitely able to NOT reduce your lifespan any further as a non-smoker. Isn't this true fact a great motivator for you to quit smoking for good?...More...

What is a Pharm Party? Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse

A time tested drug culture is on the rise among teens that may further influence their younger siblings and it's called Pharming (farming) which is slang for pharmaceutical. This is the leading path which walks kids down the road to Pharmaceutical Drub Abuse. Teens are gathering in both big and...More...

Are You Ready to Quit Smoking for Good?

When you examine how long you have been smoking cigarettes and/or using other tobacco products and how much you use on a daily basis now, your decision to quit smoking may be the most important ... ...More...

Quit Smoking - Withdrawal Symptoms (Psychological Effects)

What happens when you stop smoking? Sure, you'll eventually save your life and better your health (that's the reason why you're quitting in the first place, right?), but is it worth it? We've all heard about different quitting symptoms - some people experience most of it, some pe...More...


Definition of the drug slang term 'Grifa' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms....More...

Stop Smoking - Gum, Anyone?

Today there are over 35 million people trying to stop smoking, with less than 5% of them succeeding - all due to the driving force of nicotine addiction in the cigarettes. Read on to find out more ......More...

High Tips For Staying Healthy

Quit SmokingTo remain one hundred% healthy you need to stop smoking. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, folks are reducing their use of tobacco merchandise that kill. Just recently, we have seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Cou...More...

Simple and Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

There are different ways to quit smoking. This required a lot of mental strength and dedication also. It is very difficult to quit smoking. There are a lot of withdrawal symptoms that will make it difficult for you to quit this habit. The nicotine present in the cigarettes is the harmful chemical th...More...

The 5 Best Ways to Talk to Your Child About the Perils of Alcohol

It is hard to talk with you children about serious problems like alcohol drinking or family issues. Children are very susceptible and they might not understand the severe consequences of alcohol at such a young age. However, if you want to keep your child well informed and save him from alcohol rela...More...


Definition of the drug slang term 'Bambalacha' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms....More...

Kick your Smoking Habit With St John's Wort

Most smokers find it difficult to quit smoking when withdrawal symptoms set in. Failure to overcome the withdrawal symptoms lead many smokers into relapse. If you want a natural remedy for these sympt...More...

Body Stuffer

Definition of the drug slang term 'Body Stuffer' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms....More...