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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Effective Drug Treatment Centers For Successful Recovery

For approximately 9 million women in the United States suffering from some form of drug abuse, finding a treatment center for their alcohol or drug problem can be difficult.Admitting that they have a problem is often the first major roadblock to recovery....More...

Why Is A Drug Rehab Center Beneficial For An Addicts

A drug rehab center has emerged to be one of the best ways to quit an addiction. Drug addiction is one of the most dangerous and serious problems faced by the modern society. In the last few years, the problem of drug addiction has significantly increased. Since people have an easy access to drugs, ...More...

August 13

Recovery thought of the day for August 13 from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site....More...

GHB Addiction and Rehab

There are more people in the U.S. that have died from GHB overdose or addiction, than have died from Ecstasy. Origins GHB was originally created in France during the 1920s, but was rejected by the ... ...More...

Smokeless Cigarettes Can Be Your Life Savior

The best thing about smokeless cigarettes is that they are not injurious to health, unlike the traditional cigarettes. With no smoke produced by them, the smoker does not take anything in. ...More...

Smoking - Quit That Smoking Habit Today

Smokers have many excuses for their bad habit, but none of them are valid. This article will explain how you can quit that smoking habit today. Cold turkey. If you are determined to quit, this is the right way to do it....More...

Do You Know What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

Starting from public places to private corners, wherever you go there is a board containing the message of 'No Smoking.' The notice on the board expects you to do some good to the environment. Sucking ... ...More...

What Really Makes You Smoke Cigarettes?

One of the hardest parts about quitting smoking is identifying what causes you to want to smoke cigarettes. For most smokers, there are a wide variety of things that make you want to smoke. Below are ...More...

Use a Smoking Cessation Aid to Break the Addiction

Nearly all of the individuals who smoke typically have an unfavorable reliance on it. Tobacco users seldom expect to get a tobacco addiction when they start smoking, even though it's already demonstrated that tobacco is terribly enslaving. When a nicotine junkie realises that she / he needs to ...More...

Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse-When to See a Health Professional

If you suspect that your teen is using alcohol or drugs, gather all the information you can before taking your teen to a health professional. This will help ensure an accurate diagnosis of your teen's involvement with substances. Health professionals who can diagnose and treat substance abuse pr...More...

Reasons to Avoid Passive Smoking

It is thought that a non smoker who works alongside those who smoke may be at an increased risk or protracting lung disease, with this risk being possibly 30% greater than those non-smokers who work in a smoke free environment. These findings are leading to more and more national and local governmen...More...

What is this thing called Addictions?

When I began working in the field of addiction 30 years ago, most clients were automatically labeled addicts, (yes, shocking but true) just as most clinicians were either recovered individuals or members of addiction-troubled families. ... ...More...

Drug Rehab for Cocaine

Drug rehab helps thousands of cocaine addicts across the United States achieve lasting sobriety every year. Although many laypeople still view addiction as a simple issue of willpower, drug rehab professionals have come to recognize that it is a clinical disease. Recent advancements in both psycholo...More...