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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Best Quit Smoking Product For Active Smokers

Smoking is a sort of addiction to which lots of people are victims all around the world. The practice of smoking involves the burning of substances like tobacco that release nicotine to be absorbed into the lungs....More...

Stop Smoking Products - How You Could Add to Their Potency

The quit smoking solution you've chosen would probably be have a high rating in your listing of support devices that will help you break the dependency permanently. But the reality is that quitting cigarette smoking will call for every resource that you've got. If you put more effort into ...More...

How Do You Quit Smoking Cigarettes Under 18?

You are under 18 and want to quit smoking cigarettes, which means that you can't use Nicorette or anything like them. So you follow the conventional method and try to quit without prior preparation or reduction of the number of cigarettes that you smoke. That is what everybody is doing, so it&a...More...

How Can I Pay for Long-Term Health Care in Arizona

The cost of health care in America seems to be on the rise, leaving more and more people wondering how they would pay for an emergency medical situation, should one occur. Unfortunately, some people cannot ... ...More...

Way to stop smoking

The risks of smoking are regularly highlighted through TV, newspaper and radio adverts along with advertisements on cigarette packets themselves. These advertisements are quite graphic and often highlight the dangers through images of diseased organs. ... ...More...

What Is Betty Ford Rehab?

Betty Ford (BF) was married to Gerald Ford, the thirty-eighth President of the United States (1974-1977). As First Lady, she was an active advocate for womenâEUR(TM)s rights and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). During her ... ...More...

Effects Of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is not something that just affects the individual person who is shooting up. It has consequences beyond what one can visualize. It affects the families of the drug abuser, his employer, schools, friendships and societies in general. It also has a direct bearing on the health of the im...More...

Reasons For Quitting - Do You Really Know Why You Are Quitting Smoking?

A lot of smokers claim that they know all the reasons for quitting smoking and so they want to quit it. While they can easily state these reasons and go through them again and again inside their heads, they still end up not keeping their promises to stay away from cigarettes. It is important to not ...More...

Kick The HabitThe Biggest Myth Of Smoking

The very human trait of making excuses for 'not' doing something is truly remarkable. When it comes to quitting smoking, we quite often fall back on some old tried-&-tested excuses but there's still a wonderful inventiveness out there and there are many brilliant (and sad) excuses tha...More...

Alcohol and Drug Problems-Topic Overview

The overuse or abuse of alcohol (alcoholism) or other drugs is called substance abuse. It is common and costly. It can cause or worsen many medical problems and destroy families and lives....More...

Things to Do to Find a Good Heroin Addiction Rehab

A heroin addiction rehab center is the perfect place for heroin addicts to get the help that they need. Overcoming heroin addiction alone can be very difficult especially if the addict do not have the willingness to really quit the habit. On top of that, they will also have to deal with the intolera...More...