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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

How to Control Your Diabetes. By Glycemate

Before exploit to the issue on how to cure diabetes, let us eldest give the fact that diabetes is an incurable disease and plant needs a cured formed cure to produce a diabetic totally supply ... ...More...

Understanding Alzheimer's And Dementia

Dementia and Alzheimer's are often interchanged to mean the same thing. Alzheimer's is actually a type of Dementia of which there are many. In both cases, they are perceived as progressive diseases of the aged although in rare cases they can afflict a person earlier in life....More...



Complete Information on Cataplexy

Cataplexy is a strange neurologic condition, occasionally confused with epilepsy. Cataplexy, a sudden loss of voluntary muscle control. Cataplexy is sometimes confused with epilepsy, where a series of...More...

How Do I Prevent Cold Sores?

How do I prevent cold sores is a question that I often hear. There are some proven ways to prevent outbreaks, but not every method works for everyone. Learn more in this article....More...

How to Make Yourself Sneeze

Many of us associate sneezing with colds, allergies or some kind of irritation in the sinuses or the nose. But have you ever wondered if we can make ourselves sneeze at any moment by tickling the "sneezing center" in our brainstem? Read the following steps to know how to make yourself sneeze. Sneeze...More...

Finding Panic Attack Help

Society has historically ignored mental conditions and families have hidden people away who do not fit in, because there is so much shame associated with a mental illness. This is the number one reason why ... ...More...

UV and Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis, or TB, currently ranks among the world's deadliest diseases, and roughly 2 million deaths are related to tuberculosis each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Since the bacterium is an airborne pathogen, some researchers have suggested that irradiating air in hospital w...More...

How to Reduce the Risk Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Most people don't see symptoms of abdominal aortic aneurysm until it is already too late. These signs start to show when the aneurysm becomes much bigger and hence applies more pressure to other organs. Instead ... ...More...

How to Relieve the Pain of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are open sores inside of the mouth that come in a variety of shapes and sizes and appear for any number of reasons. No matter the cause of the ulcer(s), frustrating pain is a typical symptom that doesn't go away until the sore completely heals. Here are a few methods that have proven th...More...

Restroom Towel Dispensers Versus Air Driers

When using a public restroom that has a towel dispenser and an air dryer, which do you think would be the cleanest? If you said drying with a towel, you would be right. This article explains why....More...

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

When Snoring becomes severe it can leads to sleep apnea. If Snoring is severe it needs medical attention. If person is not getting rest because of his snoring, that not normal thing for him and ... ...More...

Female Yeast Infection- Stop The Itch!

At some time in life, most women suffer from a female yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis. Though it can be incredibly uncomfortable, relief is available. There are many treatment options. The key ...More...