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Fitness & bodybuilding : Health & Medical

The Many Causes of Ringworm Itch

Pruritus, the medical term for itching, can be associated to many causes. Exploring its causes may determine what the root of the problem is. Knowing all of them is the key in solving the issue....More...

Urine System Imbalance: Is This a Cause of Kidney Stones?

The main cause of kidney stones can be attributed to just one factor - this is an abnormal balance of water, salts, minerals and other substances in the urine. This will also determine what type of stone you have developed in your kidneys. Most stone sufferers have the calcium type of stones and the...More...

Are You Applying the '5 and 5' Rule?

What is the "5 and 5" rule? Quite simply, it's the recommendation to eat 5 times per day and work out 5 times per week... 5 is the magic number! Why eat 5 times per ... ...More...

Home Remedies for Common Illness

Common illnesses just like coughs and colds should make you panic. There are many home remedies that can help get rid of these diseases without prescription drugs will. Save yourself and your family and avoid ... ...More...

How to Bring an Old Treadmill Back to Life

There are plenty of people in the world who started off with the best of intentions for their exercise routine. They bought all kinds of equipment, including an exercise bike and a treadmill, maybe some weights and a medicine ball and set it all up in the garage or basement....More...

American Football vs European Football

American football is usually confused with European football. The difference between the two is greatly, but the same use of title can confuse others.The difference between American and European footb...More...

Bulk And Cut Diet Part-2

ENTER THE FAST Its time to break your vicious 24/7 eating cycle. This is where some short fasting abstaining from eating for 12‚¬€24 hours‚¬€ comes in handy. Before you dismiss it, open your mind and ... ...More...

Some Effective Ways to Lose Your Body Weight

You can lose your weight or reduce your fat just by doing some exercise daily. If you are suffering from overweight then you should try some exercises so that you will not get attacked by ... ...More...

Termination of Pregnancy and Abortion in Singapore

The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never an easy one. At any well respected abortion clinic, counselors are fully trained to help you through this process in a sensitive manner and you have complete ... ...More...

Kids Stomach Aches: Information for Parents

Complaining about stomach aches is commonplace among school-age children but for Mom's and Dad's, a child's stomach ache can be a mysterious condition. Find out what parents can do when their child comes down with a stomach ache....More...

How To Reduce Weight With Muscle Building

You doing this next exercise is brawls graph aired on those a bottle you put it together perhaps slightly separated you keeping here is again to have pretend like somebody is calling your elbows to ... ...More...