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Parenting : Health & Medical

Healthy Eating for Children-Credits

AuthorNancy BatemanAuthorChristine Wendt, R.D., L.D.EditorKathleen M. Ariss, MSAssociate EditorMichele CronenPrimary Medical ReviewerRuth Schneider, MPH, RD - Diet and NutritionSpecialist Medical ReviewerJoanne P. Ikeda, MA, RD - Nutrition Education Specialist and LecturerLast UpdatedOctober 10, 200...More...

The best baby diapers

The sole purpose of a diaper is absorbance and keeping the skin of the baby dry, these garments should be comfy for the baby and not cause any irritations or discomfort. The bets baby diapers ... ...More...

Exercise Options Fathers Should Consider

Men today have many exercise choices, and not all of them have to be done in a gym. Check out these ideas of exercise options fathers should consider as they work to stay fit and well in their busy lives....More...

Causes of Low Self Esteem in Kids

During the tween years, low self esteem may begin to appear. Learn about the interrelated reasons why low self esteem begins to appear during pre-adolescence....More...

Celebrity Trends and onset of teenager problems

A major reason for teenager problems is various celebrity trends that get extensively publicised in the media. Celebrities have assumed a major status in the society with 'Page 3' articles in popular ...More...

How Will Baby Boomers Headstones and Obituaries Read?

Baby Boomers, Great American Resource of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Wisdom being lost.Boomers are highly profitable commodity being over looked.Where will American stand one hundred years now if we do not pass on our assists, now is the time to look at our very young 6 through 12.These are the...More...

Help Your Children Volunteer in the Community

You want to encourage your children to volunteer in the community. But your lives are so busy that you can't seem to find the time. You can help children volunteer by finding at-home ways to contribute or combining other activities with volunteer work. Above all, set an example for why children...More...

How to Deal With the Emotional Impact of Aging Parents

When roles reverse and adult children suddenly find themselves in the position of taking care of parents who once cared for them, stress builds, and so can feelings of anger and resentment. It's never easy watching our parents grow old and frail. It's not easy, either, having people whom you remembe...More...

Cleaning Formulas

Making your own cleaners is simple, effective and inexpensive. Here's a vinegar cleaner with multiple uses around your house....More...

The Overweight Toddler - Some Useful Tips on Eating and Exercise

Obesity in toddlers between two and three years of age is not that unusual in our society. The reasons for this are almost certainly due to a lack of exercise combined with a bad diet. Diet in Toddlers is very important, and foods which contain 'empty calories' such as cakes, biscuits, cho...More...

Childhood Behavior Checklist

Kids rarely misbehave because they enjoy it--they usually have a reason for acting clothing image by Nenad Djedovic from Fotolia.comWhen a child misbehaves, a parent, teacher or guardian can instinctively punish the child or ignore the act. These are the two trusted methods of......More...