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Parenting : Health & Medical

Single Parent Mistakes to Avoid

You're a single mother with a little girl of five who you adore and who means the world to you. You are so tuned in to each other's needs that it almost becomes scary. When you are sad after a fight with your former partner who comes to pick her up on the weekends, you transfer this sadnes...More...

Child Abuse and Neglect-Topic Overview

What is child maltreatment?Child maltreatment is any intentional harm to a child. Child maltreatment includes neglect and abuse.Neglect is when parents or caregivers fail to ensure a child's health and well - being. Neglect may result from not providing a child with appropriate shelter, ......More...

Struggling Issues For Your Teens

As the treatment progresses, the teen-agers return home in an effort to begin to rebuild the family relationship. In the next stage they are allowed to take a newcomer into their home each night. And then they return to school or work to learn how to deal with negative peer pressure. They are expect...More...

Hair Tourniquets - What Every Parent Should Know

If your baby's toes are turning blue, it could be a sign of a hair tourniquet. Parents should inspect their baby regularly for signs that a hair or loose thread is cutting off circulation to any part of their body. If not discovered, it could result in a serious infection or even a lost limb....More...

Kids and Fresh Air

I am an advocate for kids getting fresh air and sunshine.During the school year they are mostly inside their classroom breathing stale air like we do working in an office or at home.There is a new study released emphasizing that kids who get to go outdoors throughout the day in short periods of time...More...

Selection of Pushchairs

When the parents expect an arrival of a new born baby at that very blissful moment they love to shop for a pushchair for their expected little here. An extensive assortment of this baby carriage ... ...More...

Special Education in Michigan

Getting started with special education can be an intimidating experience. Here are five ways for parents in Michigan to get information about the special-education process and find the contacts they need....More...

Pushchair Basics

There are many top names that sell terrific pushchairs and finding for the right one for your child can be a bit like going through a hodgepodge of unfamiliar devices if you don't know where ...More...

Seminar on Model of Giftedness - WOW

This past January I wrote about the 2010 Webinars on Wednesday (WOW) series offered by the National Association for Gifted Children. If you haven't tried one...More...

Nursery Wall Hangings - The Clock As Fabulous Baby Nursery Decor

Clocks are nursery wall hangings that complete your baby nursery decor and help parents know when it's time to say goodnight. When I put together my baby's nursery, one of my favorite parts was choosing the wall hangings. I'd already chosen the perfect color palette and paints....More...

Moses Baskets and Bouncers - Baby Equipment

When considering what to buy for the arrival of your baby, it may be worth thinking about getting a Moses basket and/or a bouncer. These two baby equipment have proved to be helpful in the transition of a newborn's life in the following weeks ahead. The good thing about these two items is that ...More...

Home Study Requirements For Complete Adoption

All in all, the whole report given by the social workers is turned into the agency and then accepted or denied. Sometimes updates are required a major event to the adoptive family to complete all the ...More...

Games to Play with a 6-Week-Old Baby

Watching your baby grow and develop is exciting. With each new day, week and month, she is learning something new. Babies who are 6 weeks old are staying awake for longer periods of time, which provides the perfect opportunity to support their sensory development....More...

How to Get Free Baby Goodies - Your Review

It's important for every parent to test out a product first before using them for their babies to ensure their safety. With the help of free baby goodies provided by companies, they can test out their options and see the ideal ones for their babies. These manufacturers have various reasons why ...More...

Preparing For Pregnancy Basics

Taking the first steps into parenthood could be the most eye-opening and challenging experience in a person's life. Not everyone is fully equipped to handle the financial and emotional pressures waiting for them at any stage of parenthood, so taking advantage of every resource available is very...More...