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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Anti Aging Skin Care Advice

No matter how much you take care of your skin, it is likely to show some kind of sign of aging eventually. The point to developing an anti aging skin care regimen is to slow down the process of aging. This is because technically it is impossible to reverse aging except in a very superficial way. ...More...

Natural Cure For Angular Cheilitis - Simple But Effective

Over the recent years it had been medically proven that home remedies used as a cure for angular cheilitis are more effective than the clinical treatments. These natural relief methods are very safe and absolutely free from side effects....More...

Treatments of Eczema - 4 Foods to Include to Cure Your Eczema

A properly balanced diet is the best cure for eczema. Remember that eczema is also caused by eating bad foods itself. You need to be more aware of what you eat so that your treatment for eczema is possible. The components of food greatly affect how your skin will respond. In eczema, you need a lot o...More...

Green Treatment For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune skin condition that is non-contagious and chronic. During the earlier times, medical practitioners believe that psoriasis is a variety of leprosy, mainly because of its scaly appearance. It is one of the most ancient human diseases known to mankind....More...

A Note on Buying Personal Care Products

Know the important things that will help you purchase personal care products with ease. Personal care products today have become a regular fixture in toiletries of both men and women. Ranging from different skin products ... ...More...

Nutra Sonic Facial Cleanser Review

Nutra Sonic is a new facial cleanser from Nutra Luxe MD that claims to clean your face and pores much better than soap and water. We tested it out and wrote a review....More...

Best Wrinkle Cream For Oily Skin

Many of us are searching for the best wrinkle cream for oily skin. Though you may have once believed that oily skin in itself would help to reduce the onset and extent of wrinkles the truth is a little different. If you only use a skin cleanser without any moisturizer or wrinkle cream then you would...More...

A Safer Route For Men's Skin Care

In today's world men, as much as women, want to keep their skin from aging too fast and keep their youthful looks. They too now spend billions of dollars within the fast growing industry of men's skin care products....More...