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Medicine : Health & Medical

Plavix drug

Plavix drug is used to reduce the risk of heart attack, heart related chest pain and stroke....More...

What Is The Future Of Medicine?

It's obvious that in the area of the medical field we have made great progress over past years but what does the future show in furthering the path?...More...

Cosmetic Surgery - Is There A Non-surgical Way To Get High Cheek Bones?

Cosmetic Surgery - Reconstructive Surgery - Is there a non-surgical way to get high cheek bones?(Pittsburgh) This article discusses details about fascination for high cheek bones and what options are available to enhance the facial cheek bones, such as cosmetic surgery and facial injectable fillers....More...

Cold Sore Treatment - Fever Blisters Help

A cold sore or fever blister is painful and can occur on the lip, genital area or other places on the skin and the mucous membranes. They start often with a tingle feeling and then grow into a sore which may itch. Keep in mind that this can be contagious during an outbreak so use caution around othe...More...

Impotency, Low Libido, and Premature Ejaculation

Sometimes impotency encompasses all erectile dysfunction although it is also a term that describes specifically male erectile dysfunction. Other common conditions man has that come under impotency include premature ejaculation problems and low libido. Keeping ... ...More...

Swine Flu: Overview, Treatment, And Prevention

Swine flu is an illness that is affecting hundreds of individuals in the United States as well as worldwide. According to the CDC, the illness may take some more time. Since one is likely to become infected with the condition, they need to understand swine flu symptoms in order for them to obtain pr...More...

The Four Phases of Clinical Trials

The entire process of a clinical trial is broken up into four phases, each of which serves the research team a unique purpose in order to better study the products and achieve the protocols. The ... ...More...

Plantar Fasciitis or Plantar Fasciosis?

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot which results from small tears within the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a thick, connective tissue band that originates on the bottom of th...More...

How Experts Treat Ankle Sprains

The most common type of ankle sprain is an inversion injury. The ankle turns in. Inversion sprains are common complications that may occur after casual strolls, “trips”, falls, and sports.Most sprains are minor but the severe ones can result in ligament strain or rupture and cartilage in...More...

Hypnosis in Medicine - How Can it Help For Best Results?

If you are wondering how hypnosis in medicine can work, then you need to take a look at this article. Hypnotherapy can aid in the recovery of many illnesses and can also be very effective in quitting bad habits and cravings. Take a look now!...More...

Tipsto Beat Tinnitus Using Natural Methods Tinnitus is that chronic a condition for some people that they are unable to work, their whole life is dominated by tinnitus and they live on meds like Xanax....More...

Learn Just How To Become A Rn

Nowadays, most of the jobs within the field of health care are occupied by registered nurses. These registered nurses are responsible for allocating work to the junior nurses, and authorized practical nurses, and evaluating it. You need to have college education whether bachelor's degree, maste...More...

Phentermine - Are You Losing Neurotransmitters?

Phentermine is a weight reducing drugs that works with neurotransmitters. In this process the neurons are made to stimulate and catecholamine are released and it restricts the hunger signal from reaching to the brain. As the brain dose not get any hunger signal and in this way the appetite of the ob...More...

You And The Swine Flu: Knowledge That May Save You

With this new strain of influenza running around, properly called Type A H1N1 swine influenza, but more popularly known as the swine flu, I think it would be nice to give people the 411 on the latest medical emergency that's got the world's attention...More...