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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Speed Reading Programs

Information, information, information. We're surrounded by more information than ever before. Taking in all the information we need is more necessary than ever but how to cope? Speed reading techniques can increase your reading speed and help you absorb the glut of information....More...

Reach Your Dreams

To reach your dreams and fulfill your purpose, nurture your spirit, explore your passions, conquer your fears, and choose each day to reject mediocrity and to live with purpose. ...More...

How to Get Over a Painful Past

This Article is about getting over a painful past. Things happen that we may or may not can control but reliving them is not going to make it any better. we would need to take control of our thoughts and not let them control us and we must forgive those who have hurt us....More...

Do What Feels Good And Find Freedom

If you do what feels good to you, if you follow your intuition, you will freedom and happiness. You'll feel the satisfaction of what it is to be at the right place, the right moment, doing the right thing with the right people. Freedom lies in daring to be yourself and following your guts!...More...

How Do You Continue Life As a Widow?

You and your spouse are so devoted to each other. You were able to raise your kids well with the proper discipline. All your children have successfully earned a college degree and have landed good jobs. Some have tied the knot and now you have grandchildren....More...

7 Strategies For Becoming an Effective Business Leader

If you are launching yourself in the network marketing business, or any other field, and you want to become recognized as a leader you have to have courage. It is this characteristic that often separates true leaders from the rest of the crowd. If you are interested in becoming an effective business...More...

Dr Eric Amidi - Subconscious Believing and the Trinity System

Central to The Law of Attraction is belief, the notion of attracting things (or 'manifesting miracles') by desiring them in a lucid and concentrated manner. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to suggest that The Law of Attraction is, at heart, all about belief....More...

Procrastination - Is It Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals?

Do you know anybody who has things they've said they want to do yet they never seem to do them? You know, that friend who wants to go back to school and has been talking about it for fifteen years? The acquaintance who has had the same job for several years and has talked desperately about want...More...

Easy Solutions For Your Catering Business

Do you have a full-time catering business? What about a desserts company on the side? Even if you just have a large house and enjoy entertaining, you may be missing out on some simple organization tools that can help you get your party on....More...

Living Each Day With a Surge of Energy and Positive Mindset

As individuals, we must focus on making the most of the gift of life by way of positive reflection and use of our will power and inner strength, in an effort to live life to the fullest. A strong positive outlook to life and persistence in trying to live it the best way possible fills the inner soul...More...

How Can I Change Bad Habits?

Many of us would like to be able to change our bad habits. Here is a method that can help you. It is simple but requires you to focus your attention....More...

Does Your Personality Influence How You Manage Your Time?

Time management is one of the top "hot topics" in today's work management arena. With so many things on our plate each day how do we fit it all in? We must first remember that we cannot "really" manage time as the seconds will continue to tick away and there is no stopping t...More...

You Must Build Walls to Keep the Enemy Out

In the Bible, a royal cupbearer by the name of Nehemiah was determined to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He secretly inspected the damaged walls at night and formed a plan for its restoration. Soon ... ...More...