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How Is Adult ADD Diagnosed?

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If you suspect that you have Adult ADD, you will need to go to a specialist in order to get a proper diagnosis.
This is usually a psychologist or psychiatrist that specialises in attention problems.
The different between these two is that a psychiatrist has a license to prescribe medication for your ADD.
A psychologist will work with you with attention therapy in order to help you control your Adult ADD.
The actual test consists of a general IQ and abilities test as well as a long questionnaire for you and a short questionnaire for people who are close to you.
The doctor will then look at the results of all of these to determine if your symptoms match that of ADD or ADHD.
If so, then they will proceed to work with you to help you control it.
How much does this all cost? When I got diagnosed, the test itself ran me $600, plus the cost of the initial interview and the results session, which ran about $350.
Different doctors charge different amounts for this test, so your test may be a bit different.
Plus, some insurances will cover part of the cost of mental health appointments and tests and some don't.
You will need to check with your insurance to determine your exact coverage.
Is the test needed? If you are planning to ask for medication to control your Adult ADD, then yes, you need to take a test and get an official diagnosis before your doctor can prescribe anything for you.
If you are planning to control your ADD without medication (something that is very doable), then you may not need a diagnosis.
Some psychologist do require a diagnosis so that they can know exactly what areas would be most effective at helping you.
Others don't require the test or may require a smaller test or just an interview.
If you are going to try to control your Adult ADD by yourself using self help references, then you probably should save your money and don't worry about an official diagnosis.
If you are having a lot of trouble staying focused and getting your work done, then you will benefit from these self help resources even if you don't officially have ADD.
Go with your own wants and needs as to whether you want to take the test and get the official diagnosis.
Either way, I wish you luck on controlling your ADD.

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