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How To Prevent Panic Attacks Quickly

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Though extremely frightening and scary when they are happening to you, you can prevent panic attacks. They are a very common disorder and as many as one in three people are said to have had periods of panic attacks at some point. Females tend to be affected more than men are and younger women particularly so.

There is often the sensation that the person suffering the attack is about to die, this is not the case though. The duration of the attacks can last from minutes through to an hour with the symptoms waxing and waning.

There are varied reasons that people start to have attacks, from bereavement, to depression, relationship problems or sometimes no apparent reason at all. Some people with medical conditions such as diabetes are also more prone to developing panic attacks. There is a link to having low blood sugar levels prior to an attack developing.

Watching your diet and ensuring you eat at every meal time may be helpful in preventing attacks. Caffeine is another product that can bring on attacks as too much in your system can cause high levels of anxiety and palpitations which will not help. You can try decaffeinated coffee or try herbal tea for a healthier choice.

Certain medications may make you more vulnerable to the onset of panic attacks, particularly amphetamine based drugs or if you are coming off anti depressants.

Rapid heart beat; sweating, shaking, dizziness and chest pain are all symptoms of a panic attack along with the fear of dying. This is all caused by the adrenalin produced by your body.

Trying to control your breathing is the best way to get an attack under control. Focusing on your breathing rather than the attack with start to make you calmer and the symptoms will start to reduce. Dr's recommend keeping a paper bag handy and covering your nose and mouth with it, then taking deep, slow breaths. You will inhale the excessive carbon monoxide your hyperventilating has produced which in turn will lower levels of acidity in the blood, thus stopping the cycle of the attack.

Rather than giving you medication, most doctors like to treat panic attacks much more simply. Such as learning breathing techniques and being careful with your diet.

Avoiding situations that you find stressful and alleviating your stress levels will be very helpful in preventing panic attacks. Stress is a known trigger for attacks and needs to be avoided if possible.

Starting to do some exercise, whether its gentle exercise or more intensive is a good way to combat stress and to give you a healthy body and mind.

Yoga gives an all around sense of well being and peace whilst concentrating on how you breath which will help prevent and control attacks.

Sometimes talking through your problems may lessen the burden on you and you can then start to try to prevent the panic attacks. If you do not want to confide in people close to you, ask your Dr to recommend a counselor or therapist. You need to be aware of the reasons that the attacks started for in the first place and then you can start to address it.


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