Are We Starving To Death With Full Bellies
The past 100 years of non-sustainable chemical based farming practices have worn our soils out resulting in a food supply that has been severely depleted in essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
Let's look at that problem and see what solutions we can come up with.
In 1936(!) the Cosmopolitan Magazine published an article that contained the following: "Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies.
The alarming fact is that foods - fruits and vegetables and grains - are now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals.
No matter how much of them we eat, these foods are starving us!" (This is from Senate Document No.
256, 1936) Perhaps the best summary is by Dr.
William A.
Albrecht, Chairman of the Department of Soils at the University of Missouri, who said, "NPK formulas, as legislated and enforced by State Departments of Agriculture, mean malnutrition, attack by insects, bacteria and fungi, weed takeover, crop loss in dry weather, and general loss of mental acuity in the population, leading to degenerative metabolic disease and early death.
" In addition to causing mineral depletion, fertilizers also weaken the crop making it more susceptible to insect attack.
This in turn forces the farmer to use toxic chemicals to kill the insects.
Scientists have discovered many of the complex nutrient relationships occurring in the human body.
We know that in order to assimilate the vitamins we consume we need certain precise amounts of minerals in the body.
Without those minerals, most of the vitamins just pass on through.
Linus Pauling the two-time Nobel Prize winner states, "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.
" OK, so we've known about this problem since 1936.
To rectify it, there have been meetings, summits, and reports.
Feel better? You might think that the solution to the problem is to eat only organically grown food.
That is obviously a healthier choice, because you get more minerals and less toxic chemicals into your system by eating organic food.
However you still don't get the all the minerals from organic foods, therefore it is essential for people that eat organic food to use dietary supplements with both major and colloidal minerals.
Enough bad news - what can you do?You can, and should write and speak to your representatives.
We need to tell our representatives at all levels of government that we want them to start instituting sustainable, healthful farming methods.
Call me a cynic, but my faith in our leaders to work this out is, umm, a little weak.
As shown above, this isn't something new - we've known about it for a long time.
Another thing you can do is grow some of your own food.
Obviously, this is not practical for everyone anymore in this modern day, but if you have any space and inclination, then learn about and plant gardens.
With more space, you should raise your own animals - chickens and cattle are pretty simple.
The trick here is to learn about and use natural, sustainable farming methods What you must do starting today, right now, is add supplements your diet.
You must seek out and use the very best supplements you can get.
You don't want the cheapie junk at Mall-World, and you don't need the $80 bottle of coral calcium.
Find a reputable supplement product in the middle somewhere, and start using it.
This takes some research and thinking.
We have just touched on the problem and solution here - it is a vast subject.
Let's look at that problem and see what solutions we can come up with.
In 1936(!) the Cosmopolitan Magazine published an article that contained the following: "Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies.
The alarming fact is that foods - fruits and vegetables and grains - are now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals.
No matter how much of them we eat, these foods are starving us!" (This is from Senate Document No.
256, 1936) Perhaps the best summary is by Dr.
William A.
Albrecht, Chairman of the Department of Soils at the University of Missouri, who said, "NPK formulas, as legislated and enforced by State Departments of Agriculture, mean malnutrition, attack by insects, bacteria and fungi, weed takeover, crop loss in dry weather, and general loss of mental acuity in the population, leading to degenerative metabolic disease and early death.
" In addition to causing mineral depletion, fertilizers also weaken the crop making it more susceptible to insect attack.
This in turn forces the farmer to use toxic chemicals to kill the insects.
Scientists have discovered many of the complex nutrient relationships occurring in the human body.
We know that in order to assimilate the vitamins we consume we need certain precise amounts of minerals in the body.
Without those minerals, most of the vitamins just pass on through.
Linus Pauling the two-time Nobel Prize winner states, "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.
" OK, so we've known about this problem since 1936.
To rectify it, there have been meetings, summits, and reports.
Feel better? You might think that the solution to the problem is to eat only organically grown food.
That is obviously a healthier choice, because you get more minerals and less toxic chemicals into your system by eating organic food.
However you still don't get the all the minerals from organic foods, therefore it is essential for people that eat organic food to use dietary supplements with both major and colloidal minerals.
Enough bad news - what can you do?You can, and should write and speak to your representatives.
We need to tell our representatives at all levels of government that we want them to start instituting sustainable, healthful farming methods.
Call me a cynic, but my faith in our leaders to work this out is, umm, a little weak.
As shown above, this isn't something new - we've known about it for a long time.
Another thing you can do is grow some of your own food.
Obviously, this is not practical for everyone anymore in this modern day, but if you have any space and inclination, then learn about and plant gardens.
With more space, you should raise your own animals - chickens and cattle are pretty simple.
The trick here is to learn about and use natural, sustainable farming methods What you must do starting today, right now, is add supplements your diet.
You must seek out and use the very best supplements you can get.
You don't want the cheapie junk at Mall-World, and you don't need the $80 bottle of coral calcium.
Find a reputable supplement product in the middle somewhere, and start using it.
This takes some research and thinking.
We have just touched on the problem and solution here - it is a vast subject.