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The Life Changing Secret I Learned at East West Herbalism School

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At East West Herbalism School I learned there is more to herbal healing than just herbs.
I didn't think so, but there is and it makes perfect sense to me now.
The first, the most basic, most important and most powerful technique to healing is...
"A good and proper diet in disease is worth a hundred medicines and no amount of medication can do good to a patient who does not observe a strict regimen of diet.
" - Charaka Samhita (ca 300 A.
) Food has a significant effect upon our health.
If we don't eat correctly we can undo the healing effects of the herbs we might be taking.
But how do we know what diet is right for us? Contrary to popular belief, there is no absolute diet that will work for everyone.
There are many factors to take into consideration when deciding on what foods to eat, and it's exactly those factors that make each person different with different needs.
The things to consider when choosing a diet are our individual constitution, body type, blood type, our ancestry and genetic heritage and metabolic power.
That might seem like a lot, but it doesn't have to be.
I've found that it's important not to make the diet too strict all at once or else it might become more of a burden than a benefit to us.
Instead it is better to ease into it.
The most beneficial thing I've found is to take all the factors into consideration while also listen to my body's needs and what makes it feel good.
This of course is different than the cravings that arise from emotions within us.
With practice we can tell the difference.

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