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How to Get Ink out of a Shirt

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    • 1). Lay the shirt out on a clean, white, absorbent cloth such as a towel, cloth diaper or paper towels.

    • 2). Blot the stain with another clean, white, absorbent cloth--if the ink stain is still wet. If the ink has already dried, skip this step.

    • 3). Pour rubbing alcohol or fingernail polish remover--or spray alcohol-based hair spray--directly onto the shirt, saturating the stain.

    • 4). Blot the saturated stain with a clean, white, absorbent cloth.

    • 5). Rinse the shirt in cold water.

    • 6). Apply a stain remover (such as Shout or Spray 'N Wash) to any remaining stain and allow it to sit for at least 5 minutes.

    • 7). Wash the shirt in the washing machine with laundry detergent and hot water. If the shirt is all white, add 1/4 to 3/4 cup bleach to the wash water.

    • 8). Be sure the stain is completely removed before drying the shirt. If not, repeat the above steps.


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