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Self Acceptance Is the First Step to Achieving Success

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Success is a very elusive word.
What does success really mean? According to Websters Dictionary the word success has several meanings.
The first definition given is an event that accomplishes its intended purpose and the second is an attainment that is successful.
Success of the lack thereof depends almost solely on the persons' own perception and the degree that he accepts himself as being worthy of success.
In the world today Success is usually equated with wealth, stature, good reputation and prosperity.
In other words a person is successful if the world perceives that the person has done better than the norm, without regard to the person's own perception of success.
I believe I attain success if I meet the goals that I have set for myself, and am happy in my skin.
There is a lot of feeling that goes along with success.
I feel that I have succeeded because I met my goal of attaining a balance between what my peers expect and what I want and need.
The rest of the world may see me as a failure because I have no money, no notable accomplishments, no notoriety, but that is superficial and does not respect my personal perception of success.
A very wealthy person, who owns many high dollar possessions, and whose word is listened to as if it was Sacred, may still be striving for success because he doesn't feel successful.
Success is much deeper than outer appearances.
Success is really a very personal, private feeling.
The degree to which one can feel successful is dependent on how the person perceives himself and how he accepts himself.
The awareness one has about himself is the gold standard of success.
The world may give accolades to a person for having succeeded in some endeavor, but if the person himself does not feel worthy of the accolades, he feels no success.
Another person who has no claims to notoriety, money, or power may still feel very successful.
Personal success is not the bottom line of a balance statement ending in a bunch of zeros.
For an individual success is personal satisfaction.
A person who feels genuine comfort and satisfaction with his or her life is successful.
Life is not one-dimensional.
Sometimes we are so consumed with attaining the "American Dream' that we lose sight of what really matters: inner peace.
Where there is inner peace there is self acceptance.
With self acceptance success is a given.
This self acceptance exactly fits the dictionary's second definition of success.
Nothing could be more successful than inner peace and self acceptance.

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