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Salicylic Acid Vs. Benzoyl Peroxide for Cystic Acne

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    New Skin Production

    • Salicylic acid is better than benzyl peroxide at speeding up new skin production. It dissolves the cement that holds dead skin cells together so they can be sloughed off more easily.

    Killing Bacteria

    • Both salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide are antibacterial in nature. However, benzoyl peroxide oxygenates the skin, proving more effective at killing bacteria.

    Delivery Method

    • Benzoyl peroxide is available in cream and gel form. Salicylic acid is more commonly used as a liquid.


    • Each of these medications can be effective in treating cystic acne. They can even be used together, one in the morning and one at night, to work at the problem from two different angles.


    • Both of these medications are very drying and can cause excessive peeling in certain individuals. An oil free moisturizer can minimize the effects.


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