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Hair Health,Hair Loss : Health & Medical

How to Get Soft & Wavy Hair

One summer hair trend is beachy, soft waves that cascade over sun-kissed shoulders and down the curve of your back. Although this sounds pretty romantic, many women find it difficult to attain this look. Hair products like gel weigh down hair and make curls feel hard and crispy. Mousse is lighter, b...More...

Your hair – your style!

Hair transplant in Mumbai today has made it possible to get over all the emotional stress that hair fall causes and you can get the best hair treatment in Mumbai to bring back those lovely strands of ...More...

Provillus Review - How it Stops Hair Loss?

Hair loss and baldness are the common problem faced by plenty of people regardless of their genders, if you are one among them then read this Provillus review which will be very helpful to you. Generally, a person loses 100 to 150 hair every day and new one grows again in the same follicles. Provill...More...

Thinning Hair In Your Teens?

Thinning hair can actually be caused by many factors including genetics, diseases, poor nutrition, stress and even medications, but by far the most common cause of thinning hair in men and women is hereditary male and female pattern baldness or 'androgenic alopecia.'This accounts for 99% o...More...

How to Treat Hair Loss In Women

Although hair loss in women is not nearly as common as it is in men, the rates of women experiencing hair loss continue to rise. Hair loss in women can be even more upsetting and traumatizing than in men, as women cherish their hair more than men. Most women spend a great deal of time on their hair ...More...

Hair Products For Men and Women

Minoxidil hair products for men and women have become top sellers due to so many new cases of hair loss. Minoxidil is sold under the proprietary name of Rogaine. Rogaine makes both a male and female solution, at different strengths....More...

Hair Bars the New OC Trend?

Hair salons are typically thought of as places to visit only when you are in need of a haircut. A new trend that has been hitting the nation and Canada has revolutionized the way many people look at h...More...

The Best Shampoos For Hair Regrowth

Hair thinning and hair loss is a problem that affects many, and, especially if not too severe, our first thoughts may turn to shampoos. Can they help to restore hair or stimulate hair growth?...More...