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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical
Cosmic Relief: Healing Through Mental and Spiritual Law
Can mental and spiritual principles be applied to the healing of physical conditions to our own or those of our loved ones?Absolutely!Disease is actually dis-ease in mind or spirit. The body and mind are not separate entities. Our bodies, minds and emotions are one. The body reflects our mental and...More...
Natural Ways To Flush Kidney Stones At Home
As per studies, kidney stone is found to be as a common health disorder reported in hospitals. Today, there are lots of remedial measures available to flush out stones from body. A kidney stone is ... ...More...
Aromatherapy and Colour Therapy
Aromas vibrate at the same frequency as colours; oils can be mixed to give a blend that is suited to your need for a variety of colour energies. Aromatherapy is the practice of using naturally distill...More...
How to Buy Acupuncture Needles
Overview When the side effects of western medicine become increasingly obvious, more and more people are seeking alternative methods to treat their diseases. Among various physiotherapy, sports medicine and pain therapy methods, acupuncture plays an ... ...More...
Lose Weight Using Hoodia
What is "Hoodia", and does it really work? Hoodia is a natural hunger suppressor, and "yes", it does really work!...More...
Sports Nutrition And Herbal Tea An Important Pertaining to Well being
Herb teas play a huge role these days concerning nutrition as well as health. Authentic Yogi Tea restores the body, and provides remarkable benefits for your whole body. Sports Nutrition is on the lip...More...
Have Warming And Relieving Effects - Citronella Oil
Among various essential oils, one of the popular oil is Citronella oil. It is extracted through distillation process from the leaves, stems of Cymbopogon Winteratus or Nardus. The content of citronella oil is citronellal and geraniol. It gives relieve in cold, flu, headache, fatigue, insects bites e...More...
Chakra Balancing - Creating Harmony For Your Body, Mind, & Soul
Can you really affect the physical and emotional state with energy work? Chakras are the core of the subtle energy system. Find out how to work with the chakras for vibrant health and well being....More...
What Is Up With Purposely Infecting Children With Chicken Pox?
Although it might seem like a new idea to us, having something like a Chicken Pox party is something that mothers have done for ages. When one kid gets sick, you put them all together so that you deal with all of your children ill at once. Doing something like this these days is very unusual. But th...More...
Things To Know About Your Vaporizer
It is vital to do your fair share of research on vaporizers before you get one, with the help of the internet researching a vaporizer has become easy and extremely simple. Confirm that you just with the help of the correct information are able to make a good decision that is informed. ...More...
Chiropractic Scoliosis Treatment
Scoliosis consists of several abnormal curve of the spine that pushes out laterally and creates visible or non-visible defect to the affected person. This is not contagious nor a disease developed due to lack of care or certain actions that causes curvature in spine.This has been studied by experts ...More...
Green Living Is Best For Your Wellbeing If You Use Green Medicine
Whether you might be into green living or maybe not, you would be wise to work with green medicine for your health. Green medicine uses your body's natural ability to cure itself. Implementing diet, detoxification, ... ...More...
Fairfax Back Specialist Helps Residents Get Out of Pain Quickly
If you suffer from back pain, then you are one of hundreds of millions who do so each year. Many look for relief in the form of drug therapy, which is designed to cover up the symptoms....More...
Is Your Dog or Cat Experiencing Anxiety? Pet Calm For Pets Relieves Acute Symptoms of Nervousnes
Anxiety and stress are not just problems for people. Cats and dogs also suffer from anxiety when they are under stress. Many external sources can cause anxiety responses in pets, and while it may not ... ...More...
Lavender Oil - Natural and Nice
Well known for its calm, soothing affects, Lavender oil can aid relaxation, promote good sleep, combat insomnia and even ease mild anxiety. It can also work well as an antiseptic to clean minor wounds, help ... ...More...
Get Relief From Backache Through Chiropractic Care and Osteopathy
Backache is a common problem that many people suffer from. Alternative medicines like chiropractic care and osteopathy are quite effectual in curing this pain by using natural methods. Both these treatments provide complete cure from ... ...More...
What You Should Know About the Homeopathic Treatment
There are times when a person can be very ill and immediately need a physician's assistance. Life threatening illnesses or injuries are nothing to play around with....More...
Virgin Coconut Oil And AIDS Patients
No matter how one tries to deny that there is a stigma associated with this disease. A person with AIDS (PLWHA) is rarely outdoors because they are often feared and judged severely. Immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS is a disease that is considered cured death has not yet been discovered. Recent stud...More...
What Can You Expect From A Far Infrared Sauna
Far infrared sauna is also referred as FIR. Sun is the basic source of infrared heat energy. When the rays of the sun hit the earth"s surface, the heat that is observed is the far infrared waves....More...
Why You Should Go for Acupuncture Burnaby
The secret to health is found in natural treatments. Going for an acupuncture Burnaby, for example, is a great way to ease the various pains and ailments that afflict different parts of the body. You ... ...More...
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