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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Self Improvement For Success
The key to self-improvement lies within the ability of the person to see his or her weaknesses and acknowledging the fact that the self-improvement process cannot be done alone. The moment the person sees that he can only improve himself with the help of others, and then the real work begins....More...
Life Coach Training Information For All
It is always a good idea to consult with the experts to receive life coach training so that you are getting the best possible. Coaches should no trouble helping their client find a healthy balance in ...More...
Secret on How To Be Smarter - Be A Student Of Life
A powerful and easy-to-implement secret on how to be smarter in life. You can even start right now....More...
Becoming Empowered - Tough Times, Tough People
Tough times do not need to leave you fearful and depressed. They also are an opportunity for growth.Discover three keys for thriving in the face of adversity....More...
Your Mental and Physical Backbone - Time For an Adjustment
Seems to me that focus and mental discipline are the mental equivalent of the spine and chiropractic care. Both are pretty much unrecognized for their far-reaching contributions to our underlying good health and countenance in the world....More...
How a Low Self-Esteem is Developed
What does self-esteem truly denote? In plain phrases, self-esteem is a feature of the way we perceive ourselves. It is different from self-image since self-image is solely an external representation of who you are; it ... ...More...
Conscious Effort - Subconscious Change - Making a Conscious Effort to Create a Subconscious Change
Remember when you were a kid and they asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? You were so full of hope, and you felt you could do anything. Remember the feeling of that dream to be a firefighter, pilot, policeman, nurse or doctor? You pretended to be putting out fires with your imaginary w...More...
Change Management Training: Eight Steps to Change
If you want to institute change management training in your workplace, here are eight essential steps for you. The first thing is to increase urgency and inspire your employees to move....More...
Missing In Action
'We lost our dear loved one the other day; he was eighty seven years old and had a full and rich life.'I had to pause mentally for a moment when a friend shared this thought during a conversation. Her emotion expressed a state of remorse with shadows of hopelessness. I acknowledged sincere...More...
Leadership is Not About Position
Throughout my corporate career, I have worked with a lot of people that assumed that once they achieved a certain position it automatically symbolized true leadership because of a new title. Many people get a new title and assume they command respect just because of what their position is called....More...
A Psychic Asks - Do You Really Know The Meaning Of The Word Faith?
Do you know the meaning of the word faith? What does the word faith mean to you and in your experiences? Today's Daily Quote is from John Dewey, the American philosopher and education reformist, who gives us a great definition for faith....More...
Relax - With a Bath Pillow
After a stressful day nothing is more relaxing than having a long soak in the bath. However a typical bath is not ergonomically designed to support your head and neck in comfort. Introducing the bath pillow. A bath pillow will allow you to lie back in comfort and relax, without fear of a stiff neck....More...
Sleep Well Tonight (10 Ways to Achieve a Deep, Uninterrupted Sleep)
Sleep is very important in the life of every human being. Unless people sleep properly, the next day's job cannot be executed smoothly. Lack of sleep can result in a number of ailments. It could lead ...More...
Don't Assume "They" Are Organized
One of the biggest mistakes we make is assuming other people are organized. Since over 60% are disorganized, odds are the other person is NOT organized. Here are some suggestions on how to work assuming others are not organized....More...
The First Step to Success: Positive Self-Efficacy
The power to believe has a tremendous impact on the ability to perform. Positive self-efficacy basically involves a person's belief in their own ability to perform a certain task. This article discusses self-efficacy; how it is formed naturally and how one can create positive self-efficacy skil...More...
With 60,000 Thoughts: What Were You Thinking
What kind of question is that? Think about this for a minute. Day in and day out, you go through your daily routines without much thought about what you're doing. Be honest now. Ask yourself, ... ...More...
Yet Another New Year's Resolution
With so many New Year's resolutions that you hear about, I hope you haven't forgotten to make one in the love department? If you are single and available you may want to get help in finding that elusive partner....More...
The Subconscious Mind
An overview look at the subconscious mind, its programming, how the mind wants to protect you from immediate danger and how you can acquire the right programs for you're subconscious mind....More...
Law of Attraction - Your Success Lies Within
There is a science behind every psychological aspect that rules our mind. Famous philosophers and psychologists have often tried to explain certain theories and science that rules different parts of our lives. Law of attraction is also one of the sciences that invite happiness as well as sorrows in ...More...
Conquering Your FEAR Through FAITH
Everyone is afraid of something, whether it be the global economy and economic job outlook, the war on terror, making sure you have enough saved up for your retirement years or your children's education. The uncertainty of just "surviving" and making it through another day ways heavil...More...
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