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Women's Health : Health & Medical

Ways to Cope With the Challenges of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a delicate stage. You will experience physical and hormonal changes that can be challenging and difficult, especially if it's your first time to bear a child. Here are some ways to cope with the common challenges during pregnancy....More...

Endometriosis and Calcium

Calcium is needed to maintain the uterine muscle's tone. Deficiency of calcium cause hyperactive muscles, including in the uterine muscles....More...

Risks & Complications While Abortions

Women should get important information when she considers abortions because most of abortion clinics counselors do not tell them all the realities which can effect after abortions....More...

A Guide To Fragrance Testing

With the abundance of perfumes currently on the market and more released every year, it can be a daunting process to find the right fragrance for you. In this guide I shall look at how to test fragrances in order to find your perfect match....More...

Learning About Laser Methods For Fat Removal

Obesity is something that is affecting millions of people around the world. Why obesity has become so prevalent is directly linked to dietary choices as well as a lack of exercise. Many people, in an effort to save cooking time, like to eat fast food. Additionally, many people have jobs that require...More...

Laser Skin Treatments Take an Innovative Leap With Pixel CO2 Device

Patients who used to spend weeks in recovery after cosmetic skin treatments can often return to work after a long weekend sporting impressive skin care results, thanks to an innovative new tool. The Pixel CO2 OMNIFIT device reduces aesthetic skin treatment downtime ten-fold, from 30 days to just thr...More...

PMS Symptom and Treatment Guide

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is the time of about a week before and a couple of days in the beginning of a woman's menstruation. If you listen to some people, women turn into she-devils during this time. While the terminology is a bit strong, some women may be particularly expressive with their...More...

Breast Augmentation - Know the Costs

With breast augmentation, you can now get fuller and better breasts. Before you opt for any procedure, it is important to know the costing of the same so that you know that you are not overcharged....More...

Sharp Pain on Right Side

Women's Health Forums: I am 24 years old. When I was 19, I had two ovarian cysts removed although they were discovered by 'accident' and caused me no pain. I...More...

What Makes Fibroid Tumors Grow? 3 Probable Fibroid Causes

Uterine fibroid treatment would be much simpler and easier if the fibroid causes can be pin pointed with certainty. Luckily in majority of cases these tumors are benign and therefore harmless. Only when they increase in size or numbers will it cause symptoms which may be become unbearable....More...

Endometrial Cancer - The Warning Signs You Can't Ignore

Endometrial cancer is one of the more common cancers among women throughout the world. The endometrium is the inner tissue lining of the uterine cavity, which grows and sheds during the menstrual cycle, and is governed by the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. There has been a gradual increa...More...

Natural Skin Care, The Best Alternative

Natural skin care is obviously the best alternative to the man-made chemicals found in common department store skin care products. Natural ingredients tend to soak into the skin and help to make us lo...More...

How Do You Cure A Vaginal Yeast Infection?

How do you cure a vaginal yeast infection? Yeast is something that occurs naturally in our system. It is not harmful until such time that the body becomes unbalanced making way for it to grow quickly that the body can no longer control it....More...

Natural Treatment For Fibroids - No Surgery Required

A natural treatment for fibroids which avoids surgery and drugs with unpleasant side effects would be the preferred option for the vast majority of women. However, on visiting a doctor, most women are only advised about conventional treatments such as hysterectomies or surgery which removes individu...More...

Why Mineral Based Cosmetics Are Better Than Ordinary Makeup?

Fast-paced technology has gone along with the growing industry of cosmetics. People are not only rooting for gadgets but also for cosmetic products. Under the category of cosmetics comes the natural organic and mineral based makeup. If you really want the flawless look why not have the healthier ski...More...

Bacterial Vaginosis - Why is it a Problem For Women?

The bacteria that cause the vagina to produce unpleasant smell are anaerobic bacteria. Most women find this smell embarrassing and frustrating, others are so worried that it might possibly affect their relationship with their partner or even their sex life....More...