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Women's Health : Health & Medical
Traction Alopecia: Black Female Hair Care Dilemma
Traction alopecia is a common cause of hair loss due to pulling forces exerted on the scalp hair. This excessive tension leads to breakage in the outermost hairs. It is possible to eliminate or reduce...More...
How to Increase Breast Size in a Couple of Weeks
Today, breast enlargement market is saturated by various breast enhancement products that claim successful ways to increase breast size. The time when breast surgery was the only option has passed long time ago and this gives opportunity to women, who don't want to undergo surgery process, to g...More...
Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Today - Here's Why You Keep Developing This Condition
Are you considering finally getting rid of those nasty yeast infections? My personal experiences allow me to remember the annoying side-effects of: burning, itching, painful intercourse, and discharge. I understand the urgent need for the infection to be dealt with as quickly as possible to finally ...More...
Herbal Breast Enhancement Products - Zero Side Effects on Users
Intake of herbal breast enhancements is one of the safest and effective methods for reshaping and resizing breasts. It ensures complete safety with zero side effects on users....More...
Women in the Military: A Brief History Lesson
Not only is March Brain Injury Awareness Month, it is also Women's History Month. Women have made huge strides towards equality and one of those achievements is involvement in the military. ...More...
Persistent Yeast Infections - Get the Permanent Solution
The reality is that most women will have to face the yeast infection problem at least once in their lifetime. Therefore, they need to look for effective ways through which they can be eliminated permanently. This condition is the kind of physical problem that can make your life really unpleasant. An...More...
Does a Natural Yeast Infection Cure Exist?
Fungi has become drug resistant to over the counter yeast infection medications due to their overuse overtime. What this mean is that the medication wont kill the bacteria or fungi anymore. Some may die but those that don't will be able to resist the treatment even better next time. The problem...More...
The Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
Perhaps the most routine ailment known to man, besides the common cold, is the occurrence of a yeast infection. No one is immune to this type of infection, which presents itself in men, women, children, and the infirm with both similar and different symptoms....More...
No Need to Fear Bacterial Vaginosis - Get Rid of This Disease
These days, a lot of women around the world experience a common reproductive problem. A much recognized form of reproductive infection which is called as Bacterial Vaginosis or BV. This can be very alarming with in women because the disease is known as a recurring type, after being treated can still...More...
Non Hormonal Menstrual Cramp Relief
Menstrual cramps are caused by the uterus contracting to expel old blood from the uterine lining during a woman's monthly cycle. Many women experience cramps two days before their cycle and may continue to have them two to three days into their cycle. Medications are often taken, but there are natur...More...
The Abortion Pill: What You Need to Know
There are a few things that many women are not aware of as far as abortion pills are concerned. This article addresses a few of these instances and provides beneficial information about the topic of an abortion pill....More...
Cure Yeast Infection While Pregnant Should Be a Priority
While most women are happy to find out that a baby is on the way, one common thing that can ruin the joy is a yeast infection. Even if the baby is safe, it's best to cure yeast infection while pregnant to ensure a healthy baby and trouble free pregnancy....More...
Protect Your Skin With Sunless Tanning
Do you want to look tanned without risking the health of your skin? Sunless tanning products are a possible route to go if you want to stay healthy but look like you have been out sun-bathing on the beach. There are many different options, from self application to sunless tanning spa treatments....More...
Smart Lipo Laser Liposuction
Laser liposuction, known as Smart Lipo, is already in use in Italy, Australia and the Far East and will soon be available at British cosmetic surgery clinics. Smart Lipo is literally a 'walk in, walk out' liposuction treatment and appeals to people wanting a quicker option than traditional...More...
Hormone Therapy Linked to Ovarian Cancer
Postmenopausal women who use hormone replacement therapy face a 29% increased risk of ovarian cancer, according to a study....More...
3 Good Reasons for Breast Enhancement
Thanks to the wonders of modern science, women today have many different choices when it comes to breast enlargement. There is the surgery that most people are familiar with, and there are also supplements and other non surgical options available, as well. If you are wavering on your decision to enh...More...
Chronic Yeast Infection - How To Cure It?
Chronic yeast infection is an dangerous disease which affects almost 75% of the population. Yet, not so many are aware of it and don't know what is the best way to cure effectively yeast infection....More...
Surgi Wax - Product Review
Surgi Wax has a 50 year history of producing best selling hair removal items. As part of the Ardell brand, Surgi Wax is trusted as a safe and reliable way to get salon-quality hair removal results in the comfort and privacy of your own home....More...
Female Sexual Disorder - Orgasm or Myth!
With the huge financial success of drugs like Viagra, the pharmaceutical companies don't want you women to feel left out so they are creating new disorders, dysfunctions and diseases, to convince normal, healthy women that many of you are "abnormal" according to the definitions they f...More...
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