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Women's Health : Health & Medical

Natural Breast Enhancement - How to Get Real Results

The subject of natural breast enhancement can be one that generates a degree of skepticism. There are many reasons for this. One cannot deny the fast results that can be achieved when under going surgery for this purpose. ...More...

Yeast Infections: Symptoms and Treatment

This article is all about yeast infections, its symptoms and treatments. Yeast infections are always cured with doctor medications, but there are also other home remedies that a woman can use at home to help prevent vaginal yeast infections....More...

Yeast Infection - Powerful, Safe and Effective Cures

Natural cures for yeast infection have grown in numbers through the years. Studies reveal benefits from organic sources like plants are brought up into medical surface to assist the world as it continuously combat against candidiasis. ...More...

The Truth About Ovarian Cyst Complex

The pain that the patient feels due to these ovarian cyst complex is very severe, and agonizing. They are more dangerous than the normal cysts and thus the method used to remove them should be though through very carefully....More...

Feminized Men - Not So Good For US Societies

It's hard to say exactly when it happened, but I can tell you it happened in my lifetime - we have been dishonoring our gene pool in a horrible way, by attacking the alpha male and masculinity. You might disagree, and really I hope you do, because this article was written to make you think. Let...More...

Women Over 50 - STOP!

This article is written specifically for women over 50.Those classy ladies who feel they have reached the peak of their existence.Those sophisticated ladies who feel they are now less attractive for one reason or another....More...

Early Abortion Options

It is recommended that pregnancies be terminated within the 5th to 10th weeks. Before ten weeks, the pregnancy actually consists of a thickened tissue which lines the uterus (this is similar to tissue...More...

Yogurt - Yeast Infection

You have probably heard both good and bad reports about yogurt yeast infection treatments. There are most definitely myths and facts regarding this type of remedy. They need to be cleared up and quick so you can finally get that much needed relief....More...

Considerations To Ponder Before You Purchase The Mighty Taser

There are special considerations you need to know if you want to purchase a Taser. These considerations will serve as your guidelines and will give you a clear idea on what the Taser is about. Consider the features and the legality of the device before you decide to have one....More...

Don't Call Me a Lactation Nazi

Have you heard the term Lactation Nazi? It is sometimes used to describe a Lactation Consultant or breastfeeding supporter who is very very PRO breastfeeding. Someone who thinks everyone and anyone can and should breastfeed....More...

Frequent Yeast Infections and What Can Be Done

Yeast infection is the result of new yeast being introduced to the vaginal area. Culprits are antibiotics, immuno-suppressive drugs, some vaginal focused chemotherapy treatments, suppressed immune systems, diabetes, pregnancy and birth control pills. Symptoms are itching in the vaginal and vulva are...More...

CDC: Adult Vaccination Rates Too Low

Far too few adults in the United States are being vaccinated against serious and even deadly diseases, such as the flu, pneumonia, shingles, and cervical cancer, new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirms....More...

Should I Use an Anti Wrinkle Cream?

Staying beautiful and young-looking is everyone's concern these days. Despite the busy schedules and hectic demands of work, our appearance becomes more deteriorated than it should be. Not only does stress make this happen but also as our age grows older, more signs of aging start to appear....More...

Nashville - The Best Place For Breast Augmentation?

For many women looking to change their lives, they often look towards a breast enhancement. There are a variety of reasons women choose a breast enhancement. One reason is that a woman may not be happy with her breasts and feel that they are too small or ill shaped. Another reason is that she doesn&...More...

The Yoga of Menopause - Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

It's big news when a favored medical treatment - HRT for menopausal women - is found to be harmful. But it's no news to those who have been blowing the whistle on both scientific and alternative treatments of menopause for nearly two decades....More...

Personal Color Analysis - 4 Ways to Create Color Contrast

Perhaps the easiest way to demonstrate how color can create contrast is to look at variances in a single color. Complementary colors, when placed side-by-side also create vivid contrasts. And opposite colors create a strong contrast, as do variations in the amount of space that color covers....More...