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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

Diabetes Mellitus And Dental Implantation

The dental implantation became customary for dental clinical practice on a strong basis. With all its attractiveness the dental implantation has a whole number of absolute and relative contraindicatio...More...

TMJ Jaw Pain: Symptoms and Treatment Options for a Sore Jaw

Stiff or even painful jaw muscles can be a symptom of TMJ. TMJ can be a very serious condition that if not treated or addressed may get worse and more painful over time. I discuss some of the symptoms and causes, as well as treatments for TMJ jaw pain....More...

How Some Diet Programs Can Cause Bad Breath

A sudden change in your diet can be the cause of bad breath. Both high protein/low carb diets and fasting will cause ketosis so those who are following a diet of such foods in order to get rid of weight quickly may find their breath begins to smell quite bad. ...More...

Dental Hazards of High PSI Water Cleaning of the Teeth

Water picks are intended to clean around your teeth.Tripod/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesAn oral irrigator, also called a water pick, uses high PSI water to clean the teeth as a supplement to traditional oral hygiene. The device aims a stream of pressurized water at the teeth and gums to......More...

Dental Care: Keeping Your Pearly Whites Glowing

Oral hygiene is often a neglected area by most people. Most of us believe that the mouth never requires much attention. But contrary to popular belief, oral health care is an important contributor to maintaining ... ...More...

Some Possible Negatives to Porcelain Veneers

For people seeking a cosmetic smile makeover, porcelain veneers are one of the most successful and comprehensive treatments available.But are porcelain veneers really as good as advertised?...More...

The Search for a Suitable Dentist

The choice of a dentist is a bigger one than many people realize. Here we look at some significant points in locating a great dental health care provider....More...

Restore Damaged, Diseased Teeth With Dental Crowns

Damaged or diseased teeth are hardly beyond repair when you have a variety of restoratives at your disposal. Dental crowns recover tooth structure by replacing lost enamel, so you don't have to face a tooth extraction or pay for an implant unless absolutely necessary....More...

Organic Toothpaste Upgrades Survival

After honestly evaluating serious environmental concerns for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, it is not surprising that organic toothpaste is rising in popularity. Choosing organic is definitely the green way to go....More...

Four Really Easy To Carry Out Bad Breath Remedies

Everyone deals with bad breath at some point in their lives. There are a variety of reasons for this but it usually a result of morning breath or something we ate. No matter the reason, what you need are a few bad breath remedies designed to eliminate that foul breath so you can have a fresher mouth...More...