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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical
Nicole Kidman Wearing Diamond Sautoir Necklace
Will celebrities set jewelry trends with the jewelry worn at the 2008 Academy Award Presentations?...More...
The Key To Great Skin: Facial Massage
One of the keys to great skin is facial massage. Learn the benefits and techniques for this relaxing treatment you can do yourself....More...
How to Weave Short Hair
Applying hair-weave extensions to naturally short hair is one way to change a person's. Hair weave can be added to simply give the appearance of longer hair or to completely change the texture and style. Although there are many ways to attach weave to natural hair, short hair presents its own challe...More...
Wen Shampoo Contains All Natural Ingredients
Wen shampoo is an excellent and all natural shampoo and conditioner combined in one bottle. ...More...
How to Wear Leggings With Boots
Leggings and boots are both staples of fashion in their own way. Each of them can be worn in many different styles and can portray a variety of looks. When choosing the best legging-and-boots combination for you, first look at your body shape to pick the perfect fit. For example, long slim legs look...More...
Your Options For Luxurious Looking Eyelashes!
Most women share the goal of obtaining thicker, more luxurious eye lashes, and many are willing to pay to dollar to reach that goal. Just about every woman wants those alluring and evocative eyes peering out at women from the covers and pages of magazines, on television shows, and in just about ever...More...
The Best Shoe Inserts for Heels
You don't have to suffer for fashion; all you need is the proper support.Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty ImagesAny woman who's worn heels at one point or another knows just how painful it can be. Whether you're walking for 10 minutes or running around all day, your feet are put to the test.......More...
Male Fashions in the 60s & 70s
Male fashions of the 1960s and 1970s varied widely, running the gamut from a tight, tailored look to a free, unstructured and wild disco look. All elements of male fashion -- from hair to shoes -- changed during this time, which is why so many people look to this era for examples of extreme fashion ...More...
Fruity Perfumes
Consult our list of the best designer perfumes in the fruity-floral category. We review the best perfumes and top designer fragrances in the fruity category, including perfume brands such as Marc Jacobs, Gwen Stefani, Ralph Lauren and Victoria's Secret....More...
Things to Do Before Your Hair Relax Treatment
Are you tired of your kinky, curly or wavy hair? Do you want to have beautiful straight hair? Although curls are becoming trendy these days, a majority of women still want their hair straight. Almost all women believe that having straight hair makes them more attractive and makes them look good....More...
How to Take Highlights out of Hair
Many people experiment with hair highlights and later determine the highlights are too dark or too light. Finding the right shade of blond for your hair can add a bit of depth to your hair. Finding the right darker shades for light-colored hair can create more contrast for your hair. If you are tryi...More...
Beauty Pageants: One Important Thing To Remember
I have admired the typical perception of a beauty pageant as it occurs once a year. It features and gives approval for women with petite frames. The advent of the internet has drastically changed this perception. Although they are not "live," Internet and mail - in pageants have provided a...More...
Video: How to Apply Two Colors of Eye Shadow
Video Transcript
I'm Sarah, professional makeup artist and licensed aesthetician, and I'm going to show you how to apply two colors of eyeshadow. What you're going to need include a blending brush and an angled brush. We're going to start with the angled brush, and with our lightest......More...
How to Make a Homemade Face Cleaner
Skin sensitivity or simply the desire to know what ingredients are going into your skin care products may encourage you to consider making your own face cleaner. Commercial face cleaners are available for all skin types, but they often contain chemicals, preservatives, or other ingredients that end ...More...
How to Curl Your Hair With Foam Curlers
Hot rollers and curling irons tend to cause damage to hair by using heat while foam curlers can give you that curly hair look without heat damage. For people with fine, limp, hard-to-curl hair, using foam curlers can add volume and texture. Foam curlers can be used for a variety of hairstyles, such ...More...
Professional Hair Conditioner Review
You either use it or you don't. You either love it or hate it, swear by it or swear at it every time you use it....More...
Ways to Wear a Kilt
Kilts can be worn as tradition dictates or according to personal whim.scotsman image by Theresa DeAngelis from Fotolia.comThe kilt, which originated in the Scottish Highlands in the 16th century, is traditionally constructed from sheep's wool. Though historically limited as a clothing......More...
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