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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

Remove Hair Extensions - How to Do it Right Without Damaging Your Hair

It is important to remember that to remove hair extensions you do not want to damage your hair. Hair extensions are a lot of fun, particularly as they let you go from short to long hair quickly and in a brief period of time. Long hair can be a lot of effort and many individuals want the look of long...More...

How To Apply Eyeliner

Properly applied eyeliner will enhance the natural shape of your eye and will add focus to your eyes. After practicing a few times, you will gain the skill and steady hand that is needed to apply this make up evenly. ...More...

How to Remove Belly Button Rings

If you have a belly button ring, you can easily remove it on your own. Whether you're tired of having it and want it out for good, or you simply want to switch it out for a different ring, removing the ring requires some care....More...

Keri Hilson Hairstyles

Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty ImagesKeri Hilson is a singer and songwriter from Decatur, Georgia. Keri has been sporting trendy and ever-changing hairstyles ever since she hit the scene as a solo artist in 2008. Her hair is most often short to medium-length, while the color ranges from......More...

Video: How to Start a Healthy Hair Regimen

Video Transcript Hi, my name is Noel. Master hair stylist and owner of Noel New York Salon and Boutique. I'm here today to talk to you about how to create a healthy hair regimen. But before you start any regimen, always speak to your health care provider. First thing I'm going to tell......More...

How to Tie-Dye a Shirt With Bleach

Tie dying can be a fun craft for kids during the summer, make a unique team outfit or a costume, or a fun way to make retro gear. You don't need a lot of equipment or dye to get started, just basic products from around your house, mainly bleach, buckets, rubber bands, and of course, a cotton shirt....More...

Video: Night Makeup Ideas

Video Transcript Hi I'm Kendra Richards, professional makeup artist. Today I'm going to give you a few makeup tips for evening to quickly and perfectly take your look from day to night. If you've got a night out, a beautiful, bold lip is the perfect statement and way to achieve that......More...

How to Find the Best Facial Skin Care Products for You

When it comes to skin care, what works for others may not work for you. Fortunately, there are numerous skin care products for every skin type. Finding the best ones for you means asking questions, testing products and having a little patience. The best skin care products don't have to be expensive....More...

How to Remove Bio Gel

Getting Bio Gel placed on your nails is a great alternative to acrylic nail manicures. Many times, after removing acrylic from your nails, you will find that your nails become weak and brittle. Bio Gel encourages your nails to grow and become stronger. The gel can be applied directly on top of your ...More...

How to Do Glamour Makeup for Older Women

Show off your glamorous side with the perfect makeup application. Just because you may be an older woman does not mean that you cannot wear smoky eyes or red lipstick; however, remember to only wear one or the other--not both. To complement their features, makeup applications must change as women ag...More...

Herbal Hair Treatment

You don't have to resort to harsh chemicals to have beautiful hair. With just a few ingredients, you can create a spa-quality hair treatment that will nourish your locks naturally. Discover this healthy, affordable secret to herbal hair care that will give you the look you want, naturally....More...

How to Choose What to Wear for Tween Girls

There is this terrible clothing crisis that occurs with most tween girls. They are too old or big for girl's clothes and not ready to wear juniors or misses styles. With a little work and some patience, you can choose great styles for your tween....More...

Tips to Control Oil on Face

Oily facial skin causes frustration and embarrassment. Additionally, controlling oil on the face makes for a challenge. Excess oil causes skin breakouts and leaves a person feeling dirty. Rather than constantly wiping the oil off your face throughout the day, learning how to manage facial oil prov...More...

Skin Abscess Treatment Tips And Advice

Skin abscess also referred to boil. It is infected in the skin and filled by pus. It is caused by collection of pus in the skin. Skin Abscess usually start as red, tender lumps....More...

Rectangular Face? Advice to Make You Look Stunning!

The shape of your face dictates how best you show it off.That is why hair styles, make-up, necklines, glasses and jewelery can look great on one person, and quite disappointing on another.Discover here, advice from an image consultant for rectangular face shapes....More...

How to Make Softball Bracelets Out of Softball Threads

Bracelets made out of the laces of softballs are a great fashion accessory. Not only can you wear them as a bracelet, but many people choose to sport them around their ankles as well. While sports stores sell the bracelets, you can make one at home and add your own personal touch. You can use the la...More...