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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Know How Black Cherry Juice Can Be Advantageous to Health

Cherries come in many varieties, but all of them are categorized into the sour and the sweet cherries. Some of the different types of cherries are the Mascara, Bing, Black, Rainer, Lambert Montmorency etc. Cherries are supposed to be a terrific source of potassium and vitamins....More...

Are All Carbohydrates Bad? The Truth Revealed!

It doesn't matter if your overall goal is weight loss or to eat healthier, you've probably read a lot of conflicting views about carbohydrates. There has been a lot of negative publicity about carbohydrates due to increased attention on protein diets. Consequently, the role that carbohydra...More...

What do you have for breakfast?

You all heard about breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Right, because it sets us for the day ahead. It matters what we drink and what we eat. Why? Because it either gives us the nutrient...More...

Nutritional Guide - 3 Low Cholesterol Diet Tips

Any more than 7 percent of our daily calories from saturated fats have been linked to higher levels of LDL cholesterol. As you might know, it is very important to keep your LDL cholesterol levels as down as you can. Saturated fat also lowers the HDL cholesterol levels....More...

Mom, Do I Have to Eat This?

How many of us have heard this sitting across the table from our children? Now, if yours are like mine, that remark is used automatically before ANYTHING green actually hits the plate....More...

Modifying Candida Diet A Little, Making Your Own Mayo

I have a friend who doesn't understand all the things needed to be applied on the candida diet. She has been stressing about this diet for weeks now. She just decided it isn't possible for her to do it exactly the way "The Yeast Connection" book says....More...

Improving the Nutrition of the Elderly

The elderly face many unique challenges to receive proper nutrition in their daily lives. Here are some guidelines to help make sure they are eating what they should....More...

What You Know About What You Eat

You may not know where the cereal you eat in the morning is from or what ingredients it is made from. You probably don't know where the steak you are eating for dinner was killed or what company shipped it to the grocery store to package it and sell it to you. But when you eat Alaska Cod for di...More...

Why A Nutritionist Is Important To Your Health

The purpose of a good nutrition person is to improve the health of the person that’s seeing them, and they will give them what the person’s body really needs. A nutritional expert would then come up with special tips and advice to make sure the person stays away from the potential pitfal...More...

Nutritional Healthy Kids Snacks From Kashi

Discover healthy kids snacks that are often looked upon as a diet snack. Kashi whole grain and sesame crackers made without saturated fat are very tasty. Because of their nutritional value, they have become popular as kids snacks....More...

Is Your Tap Water Really Safe?

If you were to go down to your local water department today and ask the head of the department whether or not the water in your area is safe for drinking you will get an automatic knee-jerk response of, "Absolutely!" You will be told that your local water meets all the federal regulations ...More...

15 Toxic Truths You Need To Know About

How better Food choices can make you Win the game ofLifeHere are the Toxic Truths that you need to be aware of and remember this is you and your families health so pay attention and be aware. Organic foods are really good for you. Foods sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, and other toxins are not. ...More...

How To Tell Your Boss You Are A Vegan

If you work in a big company or even in a small cafe, chances are, you are going to get invited into a business dinner meeting, and specially during Christmas time, where a whole bunch of non vegans gather around. Now, of course you want to make a good impression and fit into the crowd, but how woul...More...

Some "So Called" Health Foods With Tons of Fat

You really need to be careful whenever you decide to consume a variety of health foods that are on the market today. Why? Believe it or not, I am urging medical research has strongly suggested that many of these food items that are supposed to be healthy actually contribute to pockets of fat being d...More...

Eggs - Are They Truly Bad For Your Diet Or Not?

Many people have mixed feelings about the healthiness of eggs in their diet. Some people believe that the cholesterol found in eggs are too high and may decide to limit them self to two or three a week. ...More...

What Is the Paleo Diet And Is It For You?

Imagine, if you will, our ancestors some hundred thousand years ago. This is far before the rise of civilization, the discovery of agriculture and the domestication of wild animals. Instead, our forebears wandered the land in hunter gatherer societies, living day by day on what they could capture, k...More...