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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

Enhancing Your Nails

Nail enhancement is a broad term that encompasses several methods of augmenting your natural nail. Actually, in some instances, enhancements have less to do with enhancement and more to do with faking it, hence the commonly used term ''fake nails." Personally, I am not a fan of nail e...More...

Septic Smells Outside After Using the Shower

One critical part of protecting your family from potential sewage contamination is to know the warning signs of a potential contaminant entering your home so you can eliminate it. If a septic or city plumbing system is backed up or clogged, for example, often the system will expel a mixture of hydro...More...

How to Do Pretty Hair Buns

Buns are no longer your grandma's hairstyle. They are the epitome of sleek, sophisticated and casual, depending on how you wear them. The bun is often spotted on celebrities such as Reese Witherspoon and Natalie Portman because it keeps long hair out of the way while looking chic. Creating a bun on ...More...

Technology Used in High-End Flat Irons

This article focuses on high-end flat irons and the properties that affect their cost. Features such as a quality heating system or heating element, the materials used to construct the plates and the range of heat settings, typically set the high-end styling tools apart from less expensive ones....More...

How to Get a Scuff Off of a Soft Leather Bag

Although scuff marks most often occur on leather shoes, they sometimes occur on leather bags and purses as well. These dark marks are unsightly but are typically only superficial and cause no real damage to the leather. The process of removing a scuff mark from a soft leather bag is the same as for...More...

Why Waxing Hair Removal Remains So Popular?

People have always found reason to rid themselves of hair in different areas of their body. One of the oldest hair removal methods is waxing. Despite the pain involved, it is still an extremely popular method of getting rid of unwanted hair. It is also regarded as one of the most effective technique...More...

Home Remedies for Facial Cleansers

Fresh tomatoes are used in a recipe for homemade facial cleanser.tomato #2 image by Adam Borkowski from Fotolia.comFacial cleansers are an important part of any skin care regimen. They remove makeup and bacteria from your pores, so that skin remains clear and clean. You don't have to rely......More...

How to Use Acuvue 2 Colours Contacts

The Acuvue Company, which is owned by Johnson & Johnson, released the first soft disposable contact lenses in 1988. Since that time, they have manufactured several lines of soft contact lenses, including Hydraclear, Lacreon and Pupil Intelligent Design lenses. The company also offers a line of color...More...

How to Dress In the Style of Michelle Obama

First Lady Michelle Obama follows in the stylish footsteps of Jacqueline Kennedy. She's shown that she has a true penchant for style, always dressing well and appropriately for the occasion. In a very short time, Michelle had already managed to influence the clothing choices of numerous women throug...More...

How to Use Honey to Highlight Hair

Highlights are a great way to update your hairstyle by adding dimension to a dark hair color. However, most highlighting systems require the use of strong, smelly chemicals to achieve results. Honey is a versatile beauty product that can lighten your hair without chemicals, nourish and rejuvenate th...More...

How to Wear a Scarf Like French Women

Noted designer Coco Chanel once said, " A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." While the French have long been known for their exquisite food and classic fashion, women around the world can add to their elegance with the simple French scarf. Turn a plain scarf into a fashionable European...More...

18th-Century Clothing for Cold Weather

Eighteenth-century fashions, like the centuries that proceeded it, followed court dress and generally changed when a new king or queen took the throne. Linen and wool were both in good supply at the beginning of the 18th century, and many farming communities planted their own flax, and spun and weav...More...

How Does an Iron On Patch Work?

Darn It!Darning used to be a regular household chore. Once dinner and dishes were done, Papa sat down with the paper and Mama had one more crack at the endless mending pile.Fabric technology and the overall decrease in clothing prices over the last 50 years mean that mending is a chore of......More...