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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

How to Keep Denim From Fading

Shopping for jeans can be frustrating enough. You have to find the jeans with the perfect cut, the perfect length, and the perfect amount of stretch for your body. After purchasing the best pair, however, shoppers can be disappointed to find that the color of their jeans changes after the first wash...More...

How to Get Rid of Hair on Your Stomach

Most women shave to have hairless areas on their bodies. Unlike men, most women don't get excited when hair starts sprouting on their legs, stomachs or faces. While it is completely normal for hair to sprout on the stomach, many women are embarrassed by it. Removing hair from your stomach can be as ...More...

Baby Costumes

Baby costumes don't need to be used just during Halloween. Many parents use baby costumes in dress-up trunks or for photos. This Leopard Pipette and Hat Set is perfect for a baby girl's first photo shoot....More...

How to Make It Look Like You Have Bags Under Your Eyes

Changing your clothes is an easy way to change how you look, but sometimes that is not enough. Sometimes you need to change the appearance of your face, to change your disposition or age. While changing the appearance of your face is not standard in everyday life, it is common practice in the theatr...More...

Dying or Bleaching Hair at Home - Don't Try It Without These Tools!

Dying your hair at home can be a very difficult and stressful process, especially if you are bleaching your hair in an attempt to go lighter. If you're going to go blonde, there's a lot of thought and research that has to be included in the process, as well as planning and tools. Always ma...More...

How to Build Military Ribbons

Military ribbons allow service members to display on their uniform the awards and medals they have earned personally or as a member of an awarded unit. Each ribbon represents a different award or medal. Some ribbons are branch-specific, but most are jointly used across the armed services. Buildin...More...

The Advantages of Brass Tattoo Machines

Modern tattoo artists use a variety of different machines to create their artwork. The most commonly used machines use dual coils and electromagnetic pulses to move the needle up and down as it deposits ink into the skin. These coil tattoo machines are most often cased in brass or a similar heavy me...More...

Miranda Cosgrove

The 2011 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards were a blast to watch as usual, and just as fun to view were all the fantastic dresses the best dressed stars wore to the event. Whether you're a fan of Selena Gomez, Victoria Justice, Miranda Cosgrove or Miley Cyrus, you're bound to find an ou...More...

How to Make Your Own Dragon Ball Z Character

Over a decade after its creation, Dragon Ball Z is still one of the most popular anime or manga series around. Dragon Ball Z follows the adventures of Goku, the greatest fighter on Earth, after discovering he is from another planet and must protect Earth from those trying to destroy it and to steal ...More...

DIY NES Belt Buckle

If you dig old-school video games or remember playing them and want to show off your retro love to everyone around you, an NES belt buckle is one way to do so without saying a word. The NES, or Nintendo Entertainment System, is a classic video game console that brought characters such as Mario and L...More...

7 Tips In Getting The Most Out Of Your Skin Brightener

if your skin looking dull? Skin brighteners can really do wonders for your complexion. A good skin brightening cream helps you look your best by greatly reducing the appearance of spots, freckles, and uneven pigmentation on your skin. The more even your complexion and the fewer blemishes, the more r...More...

How to Wash Infant Clothes

Knowing how to wash infant clothes is very important when bringing home your newborn. Infant clothing requires frequent and, at times, very intensive cleaning. It is important to wash the clothing so that it is clean and sanitary while making certain your infant tolerates the cleaning agents well. B...More...

Natural Skin Care - Using Nature For Your Skin

Homemade skin care products can be cheaper and safer than their over-the-counter counterparts. After all, they don't contain any of those harsh ingredients that may irritate more sensitive skin....More...