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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Insemination Procedures for Infertility

An insemination procedure uses a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to put sperm into the woman's reproductive tract. For some couples with infertility problems, insemination can improve the chances of pregnancy.Donor sperm are used if the male partner is sterile, has an extremely low sperm count, o...More...

About Traditional Surrogacy

For most people, childbearing is one of the most natural things in the world. Unfortunately, however, others find it fraught with difficulties or even impossible. When infertility rears its ugly head, some people seek out the help of a surrogate mother. Some people even seek out a surrogacy arrangem...More...

Ben's Birth

Ben's mom talks about his birth when she was Group B Strep positive....More...

Eating a Healthy Breakfast During Pregnancy

Many women have a bad habit of skipping the most important meal of the day! No matter how many times you have been told that breakfast gives you the energy to get through the day, how many mornings have you rushed out of the house with nothing more than a cup of coffee in your hands? Those days shou...More...

Pregnancy and Your Posture

Many discomforts of pregnancy are associated with poor posture back pain, sore shoulders rounded, sciatic nerve legs and buttocks. Good posture is imperative that the developing baby is weight puts an...More...

Induction Process of Labor

PlanningIf you have a labor induction, you will have to discuss this with your physician first. Likely reasons for inducing labor include going past your due date, a health condition that could endanger you or the baby or your water breaking without labor ensuing afterward. Once the......More...

Fun Maternity Baby Shower Dresses

Finding the perfect dress for one's baby shower is an important task, as it is a very special and important day. When shopping for your perfect dress, look for one that exemplifies one&#0...More...

How to Eat Healthy During Your Pregnancy

There are lots of things you need to do as a mother-to-be in order to keep both you and your baby healthy but one of the most important things is eating properly. You and your baby need lots of nutrients and vitamins. Things you need to focus on Calcium, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Iron and Fatty Acids. ...More...

Delight in Pregnancy Bedrest

During pregnancy, some mothers are ordered by their physicians to bedrest. Despite popular belief, staying in bed is not relaxing. It is important to reduce most stress during bedrest. However, is it possible to stay relaxed?...More...

Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan

Pregnancy diet plan is very important for women who just get conceived. In order to give the best start to your baby, you should take a variety of foods with sufficient nutrients. Get protein from lean meat like chicken and fish every day, while ensuring that you have 5 servings of whole grain foods...More...

Pregnancy and the Importance of Vegetables

Pregnancy, they say, is like a second birth to a woman; being one of the most important phases of a woman's life, during this period she has to take care not only of herself but also of the baby dependent on her. A healthy diet is a way to improve the condition of both the mother and the fetus....More...

Pregnancy Wheel - A Ray Of Hope For Infertile Couples

Do you know that one out of six couples are infertile? Pregnancy wheel comes to the rescue of such couples and help them conceive. Fertility issues are based on many physical as well as biological factors. Certain infertility problems are simple enough to be solved through home remedies such as ovul...More...

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy are so substantial that even if you were a total couch potato prior to pregnancy it is now time to make an effort. Prenatal exercise has been shown to keep energy levels high......More...