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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Challenges That Face Parents of Children With ADD-ADHD

Dealing with a child who has ADD/ADHD is a learning curve for both the parent and the child. While parents of children who suffer from ADD/ADHD may face a lot of challenges, there is hope. Children can still lead a productive, healthy life, and parenting a child who has ADD/ADHD can be very rewardin...More...

Internet Pornography - Recognising and Dealing With It

The internet seems everywhere today transforming our lives. Not all that transformation is positive and more and more families are having to deal with internet pornography. So how do you recognise the symptoms and what steps can be taken to help the sufferer......More...

Can We Intervene With Troubled Adolescents?

In the wake of the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, ethicist and psychiatrist Dr. Ronald Pies explores whether clinicians can intervene to help prevent such tragedies in the future....More...

How to Find Love and Happiness

How to find love and happiness? For most people, that is the million dollar life question? A life without love and happiness is a life devoid of two of the most precious human experiences. Being in love and happy makes like worthwhile and vibrant. Read on for helpful tips on how you can find love an...More...

How to Deal With Autistic Teenagers

For most parents, one of the most trying times in their lives is during their child's teenage years. When puberty hits, young adults go through serious changes in their bodies and minds, and parents h...More...

Herbal Remedies to Help Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your health. In order to quit smoking successfully you will need support, determination and a method to handle the withdrawal symptoms that will arise as you start the process to stop smoking. Herbal remedies are available to deal with t...More...

How to Control Your Anger Problem

Anger is a very common emotion that usually materializes in response to a frustrating or upsetting situation. Individuals who get angry often, and who can't control their anger, are often said to have an anger management problem. An anger management problem is common among those who suffered an abus...More...

How Is Adult ADD Diagnosed?

If you suspect that you have Adult ADD, you will need to go to a specialist in order to get a proper diagnosis. This is usually a psychologist or psychiatrist that specialises in attention problems. The different between these two is that a psychiatrist has a license to prescribe medication for your...More...

Pediatric Dental Dangers

There are a number of dangers that can affect children's oral health.happy baby image by Leticia Wilson from Fotolia.comDental health is extremely important, and it begins as soon as we're born. Proper nutrition, brushing teeth for the proper amount of time and other good dental habits......More...

Creating EFT Scripts

Creating EFT Scripts is perhaps one of the biggest blocks individuals face when approaching EFT. Many individuals worry that they are going to do harm if they say the wrong things, or that they are not good enough to create scripts that work....More...

Some Dos and Don'ts Regarding Alcohol

Most of us, at some point in our lives, will deal with the darker side of alcohol. If we're very lucky, it will be a fleeting encounter - a boozy few weeks in our student ... ...More...

All About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder that affects millions of Americans each year. Roughly three to five percent of children before the age of seven years old are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity ...More...

How to Make Someone Stop Snoring

A snoring bed partner can mean a restless night. Sometimes the only way to get relief is to stop the person from snoring. Snoring happens for several reasons, some of which might only be temporary or occasionally. Other forms of snoring are constant and disturb the entire house. Sometimes stopping t...More...

Non-Hyperactive ADD Treatment

Modern science no longer segregates non-hyperactive attention deficit disorder, or ADD, from hyperactivity. According to the National Resource Center on AD/HD, the term AD/HD now includes all three types of symptoms, inattention (formerly ADD), hyperactivity and the combination of both. While physic...More...

Stair Lift Installation - Quick Guide

A Stair lift is a piece of equipment which is utilized by aged individuals or else people with disabilities to move up and down the staircase effortlessly. When you are in the process of installing Stair Lifts, this would necessitate the direction and expertise of skilled professionals however you m...More...