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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Problems With Bipap

A BiPAP machine can improve sleep quality for sufferers of sleep apnea.sleeping cat image by KtD from Fotolia.comBiPAP, or bilevel positive airway pressure, is a treatment for sleep apnea and other breathing disorders. A BiPAP machine delivers air pressure to a mask placed over the nose......More...

Home Sweet Home - Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin

When we live life without trust of our physical body, we live a life that bows to outer authority. Bringing spirit into physical form requires choosing life, choosing to be alive in a physical body, and choosing to feel joy....More...

I'm Sorry - The Hardest Words to Say

Have you ever noticed how saying the simple words "I am sorry" is like pulling teeth out of a dinosaur. I am guilty, I don't say it as much as I need to and I am sure you are already shaking your head agreeing....More...

How to Write Clinical Notes on Teenagers

Clinical notes are the official record of an interaction with a patient. The information helps you track their progress, growth and treatment. SOAP is an acronym commonly used to guide clinical notes. It stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan. Use this as your guide for recording your in...More...

Substance Abuse Programs in Glen Burnie

Illicit drug users can find help and respite at any one of Glen Burnie's eight substance abuse treatment centers.syringe and pills image by NatUlrich from Fotolia.comGlen Burnie, Maryland has eight substance abuse treatment clinics that offer therapy on an outpatient basis. Most of the......More...

Effects of Narcotic Drug Addiction

Narcotic drug addiction affects the addict and the people in her life on many levels. Family, friends, co-workers, and even society as a whole are affected as the addict spirals out of control. The narcotic become the central focus of her life. Without intervention, the addiction permeates every rel...More...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Counseling

This kind of professional assistance is meant to cover some gaps that the traditional counseling might have. First of all, as any online service, it can go with you anywhere you go. Many times, people postpone their asking for help due to lack of time....More...

What is a Paranoid Schizophrenic?

Paranoid schizophrenia is a subtype of several forms of schizophrenia. Although, according to the Mayo Clinic, paranoid schizophrenics may be more functional than other types, it is nevertheless a severe and debilitating mental illness....More...

How Can You Overcome Your Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a lifelong condition which cannot be completely destroyed. However with the right guidance and tools you can overcome some of the difficulties that accompany it so that you can live a better life. What many people ignore is that although dyslexia can have a debilitating effect on a perso...More...