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sports & Exercise : Health & Medical

How to Build a Portable Pitching Mound

Baseball is often referred to as the national pastime, but it can be difficult to play year round outside if you don't live in a warm-weather climate. With a little elbow grease, you can create a portable pitcher's mound to use anywhere you want, giving you the chance to enjoy the game any day of th...More...

Top Mistakes That Women Make Working Out

Here's a fact that might just shock you: 95% of women have no clue what to do to get results from their workouts. I can honestly say too that isn't not their fault. Ever since you were a kid what did you see women doing to try and get in shape? Most likely running or some form of aerobics ...More...

The1-2-3 Quick Workout for Easy Weight Loss

Exercising doesn't need to be a 2 hour ordeal.The key to easy weight loss is to think small, 30-45 minutes of exercise.This article provides exercises you can do right from home for practically nothing.And you will get results....More...

Prevent Obesity With This 1 Exercise

Preventing obesity is better than battling obesity once it has been established because an ounce of prevention is still better than a pound of cure. And since we are talking about pounds, preventing obesity is all about losing pounds, inches and body mass. The only cure for obesity is to lose weight...More...

Home Economics and Your Fitness

In these times of economic crisis, what is most important to you?Investing in your health has always been a tough sell for fitness professionals.Will that continue or will people value different aspects of their lives in the days to come?...More...

What Type of Footwear Should I Put on For A Mini Trampoline?

The advantage of a mini trampoline is it can be utilized both outside and inside. This begs the particular question then: what type of footwear will be best suited? Will particular footwear wear down the trampoline pad? Would it be safe to jump with your bare feet? How about socks?...More...

How to Avoid Piling on the Pounds After Weight Loss Success

One of the toughest things to do after reaching your weight-loss goal is to keep the weight off. Many people struggle with yo-yo diets where they constantly jump back and forth between being dieting and gaining it all back. A few tips will help you keep the pounds off even on days when it isn't so e...More...

Fly Fishing RodsGetting The Bends

Picking a fly fishing rod is a tricky endeavor. Do you go with your ego, expected fishing environment or something else? While length is a factor, the bend or action of the rod is a key factor....More...

How to Play Right Field in Softball

Right field is an important position that almost always tries to head off the runner at first base. You should be good at catching on the run and making long throws back to the diamond for plays at the bases....More...

Rowing Machine Benefits

Following a rowing machine workout is a great way of keeping your body in shape and making sure that all the muscles in your body are exercised. You will hardly see anyone with an extended belly who does rowing machine exercises regularly. There are several rowing machine benefits but before you dec...More...

HIIT Workout - How to Get a Six Pack Quickly Without a Gym Membership

A quality HIIT workout, combined with a good nutrition plan, is crucial when it comes to getting a flat stomach. If you want to know how to get a six pack quickly, you MUST understand the power of HIIT training and a good HIIT workout. Forget traditional cardio. This is what you need to do to get bu...More...

How to Get Great Abs Quick

Male or female, fat or thin, tall or short -- we all want to have great abs. Some of us may have tried a number of exercise routines towards this goal. And while some may have been successful in getting the kind of abs they desire, others are not as lucky. There are still those who are frustrated by...More...

Street Luge Safety

Street luge is based on the winter Olympic sport of ice luge--"luge" being the French word for "sled"--and involves racing downhill, on concrete rather than ice, on an aluminum board with wheels. Street luge can be a potentially lethal activity, and proper safety equipment is paramount....More...