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sports & Exercise : Health & Medical

What Is The Correct Formula For Vertical Jump Power?

There is a lot of misconception about the following formula: Velocity x Force = Power This is the correct formula for power, not the formula regarding vertical jump. Let me explain. The vertical leap happens very quickly (approximately 2/10 of a second). There is a requisite amount of time that this...More...

Exercise is Vital to Your Health

I don't know about you, but I think it is disheartening to see so many people losing their health because their mind is preoccupied by so many other issues that they put priorities in. If you happened to ask one of them as to why they are not doing much exercises, they would most probably tell ...More...

Football Team Routines

Ball handling is one of the most vital skills that a player can have on the field, and this drill's goal is to help players get a better feel and control for the football......More...

Exercise - The Key to Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the hardest things for most people to accomplish. It is hard because it requires discipline and self-control over mind and body. Although it may be difficult, it is not impossible....More...

How to Purchase DirecTV's NFL Sunday Ticket

For the football fans you can’t beat the NFL Sunday Ticket on Directv. Purchasing Directv’s NFL Sunday Ticket will enhance your football watching by providing 14 games each week from outside your local viewing area which equals around 200 games in a season. Purchasing DirecTV’s ...More...

Cardio Exercise Tips For Beginners

Are you thinking of doing cardio exercises? These exercises are good if you want to lose weight. These are also good if you want to build up your stamina. Cardio exercises are basically the ones that will train your heart and cardiovascular system to work efficiently even if the body is put under ph...More...

How to Fit Soccer Shin Guards

Shin guards are the only thing protecting soccer players from bone-crunching tackles. A mandatory piece of any player's uniform, from youth to professional leagues, knowing how to properly fit a pair of shin guards can make the difference between contributing to the game and lying in pain on the sid...More...

Getting The Right Fitness Program For You

When people want to get fit, it's difficult to know what to do. A lot of people ignore exercise, but even more of them overdo it or do it in a way that isn't going to help them. To get fit, you need to know a few things about exercise, and this article has the information to help you....More...

The Best Abs Workout For Teens

If you are just beginning to make your way in the world, it is very important to find the best abs workout. At the very least, if you establish a healthy routine now, you will not need to worry about falling behind later on in life. Ideally, you should select a regimen that will always fit into your...More...

Using A Workout Journal With Your Personal Trainer

If you make the commitment to take on a personal trainer you want to make sure you get the most out of the experience by using all the tools you can to keep you motivated. A workout journal is a powerful tool because it gives you a clear picture of just how much your body is changing....More...

Invention of Baseball Cleats

One of the proudest moments in any ballplayer's life is the occasion that he dons his first set of cleats. Whether they're called cleats or spikes, this bit of sporting equipment has had an interesting history since its invention in the mid-19th century....More...