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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

How to Flip Hair With a Straightener

Most people view their straightening iron as a tool that has one purpose--to straighten hair. There actually are several styling techniques that a hair straightener can perform, including curls, waves, hair correction and flipped styles. The flipped hair style is one of the easiest styles that a str...More...

Greatest Things About Making Use Of Anti Wrinkle Creams

On the subject of preserving a woman's beauty and fresh look, women generally look for reputable anti wrinkle creams. To find them what to buy, they often seekthe most recent and most favored wrinkle cream reviewsprior to they go and experiment with a certain product. This is certainly a good m...More...

Natural Treatment for Rough Calluses on the Feet

While they can technically occur anywhere that there is friction, such as hands or even elbows, calluses are most commonly found on feet. Caused by prolonged friction in an area, calluses can be painful but mostly they are just unsightly. Instead of using over-the-counter products, consider natural ...More...

How to Decorate the Top of a Toilet

The top of the toilet tank is a prevalent space in all bathrooms, big and small. Decorating the top of the toilet tank dresses up a bathroom, making it feel finished and adding visual interest to the otherwise less-than-attractive space. Use this area to display essential bathroom items and decorati...More...

Where to Find Engraved Tungston Rings

Tungsten is the "it" metal of the moment and it is currently adorning the hands of thousands of newlywed men. The metal is known for it's strength and durability. Diamonds are among the only objects that can scratch the durable metal. Tungsten can be bough at and engraved by a variety of retailers b...More...

Tips Of Indian Designer Actress

The very first official Indian designer for Barbie clothes launched her own label 'Nisshk' at 'Fuel' yesterday as mommy Neeta Lulla with family, watched her outshine one and all. This line of her is a complete girly collection reflecting her own style and sensibility....More...

How to Customize Nike Dunk Shoes

The Nike Corporation allows you to design your own Dunk shoes via its NIKEiD service. Using NIKEiD, you can customize your shoes with a variety of colors and materials and personalized text. Once you have designed your shoes, you may purchase them upon approval from Nike....More...

How to Fold Pocket Hankies

Take your brand-new suit to the next level with a pocket square, also known as a pocket handkerchief. A pocket square helps make a suit stand out, and it also gives the wearer an air of refinement and sophistication. The pocket square should coordinate with the tie or suit you are wearing but does n...More...

How to Apply Eye Shadow for Prom

Prom is a formal dance that many teen girls look forward to with great anticipation. Everything must be perfect--the dress, the hair, the makeup. On prom night most teen girls want to express a unique look that breaks away from everyday eye shadow routines. By using creativity to apply eye shadow fo...More...

Nine West

Nine West always has a great selection of shoes, but these sexy sandals go above and beyond the call of duty....More...

Learn More About The Hottest Trends In Hair Styling

Micabeauty has got the hottest trend in the hair styling industry. One of the best hair crystals products is Micabeauty Glisten. The result of using these products is beautiful glistening hair that is guaranteed to turn heads wherever you go....More...

Rihanna's Sassy Blazer Ensemble

Rihanna's signature short party dresses provide serious red carpet inspiration for prom. With such a consistently impressive wardrobe, we would rather stand in Rihanna's closet than under her umbrella....More...

How to Make Natural Detergent for Clothes

Many commercial laundry detergents contain toxic and potentially harmful chemicals. Allergies, skin rashes, eye irritation, and respiratory problems are some health concerns associated with the use of commercially prepared laundry detergents. Natural laundry detergents provide a safe, effective, eco...More...

How Does Liposonics Work With Body Sculpting?

In body sculpting or stone sculpting you are taking something away to reveal something hidden within. Clients come for help because in most cases they feel that they have tried everything on the market and in many cases are looking for a treatment that is painless and requires no down time. ...More...