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Beauty & Style : Health & Medical

A Professional Manicure At Home

A beauty advice article from Feel Good Essentials with nail care tips about how you can achieve a professional looking manicure at home....More...

Information on Botox

Botox has now existed for approximately eight years (since it was permitted for use) and its most usual use today is for anti-aging....More...

Excessive Personal Hygiene & Causes That Contribute to Skin Diseases

Skin, the largest organ in the human body, is subjected to continual assaults from noxious chemicals, irritating soaps, sun exposure, fierce wind abrasion and winter cold. There are more than 100 defined skin diseases. Even a minor skin irritation can cause a great deal of discomfort. Itching, burni...More...

Using Womens Fragrances and Perfumes Correctly

Generally when ladies use perfume for the first time they may find it difficult to find a perfume that suits their personality and also how to use perfume correctly. Here are a few steps that will be ...More...

Advice from a Fashion Expert

Adam Yankauskas, a fashion designer for Maggy London, offers his best advice on figure-flattering cuts, what to wear, and what to avoid. Find out what he has to say....More...

How to Remove Nail Tips

Nail tips only last for so long. Over time, the artificial nails become soft and may begin to discolor. The nails may also become an annoyance because they get in the way of your daily activities. Perform these steps to remove nail tips.


Academy Awards

Born Destiny Hope Cyrus on November 23rd, 1992, Miley Cyrus has taken the world by storm! Not just the star of Hannah Montana, Miley has also become a fashion icon and a style trendsetter – and she's only 15. Here are some of her most fabulous outfits of late....More...

How to Construct a Duct Tape Wallet

You may not be planning to attend the annual Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea, but you may still have reason to make a duct tape wallet, known in the Army as a "Ranger wallet," to secure personal items and protect them from the elements. The Ranger wallet is basically a reinforced plastic bag wi...More...

When You Need Your Hair Fabulous - Without Any Shampoo!

Girls love having luminous, long hair.But there are times when all that shampoo just runs out on you and you find yourself with absolutely nothing to put on those flowing locks of yours. And when you don't have a penny to spare for cheap shampoo, sometimes you have to unleash your creativity a ...More...

How to Make Milk-Based Hand Lotion

Organic hand and body lotions are becoming more popular as people search for alternatives to chemical-based lotions that actually can be harsh on your skin. Apply a natural approach to your personal skin care by making your own lotion using an ingredient, such as organic whole milk, to help keep you...More...

How to Weave a Flax Hat

The Maori of Australia and New Zealand have long used flax reed to make baskets, clothing and toys. The Maori value the gifts that the flax plant brings to their lives and so send prayers of thanks before harvesting or weaving the plant. Hats can be woven from different materials such as straw, coco...More...

Mesotherapy - An Effective Procedure

No matter what body image issues you do have, it is likely that there is now a procedure out there to help you.In this day and age, there is no reason why you should have to suffer with poor self image due to a problem that could easily be fixed with a simple procedure.One procedure that may be bene...More...

Olympic Sports' Wear by Polo Ralph Lauren

Polo Ralph Lauren is the official outfitter of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams. They've proudly designed the official Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony uniforms for the U.S. In addition, they've also designed a line of village wear for the U.S. teams. Polo Ralph Lauren has made s...More...

About Leather Moisturizer

Leather moisturizer is a product designed to restore the softness and flexibility of leather, while preventing cracks and surface damage. It is an oil-based product, usually made from animal sources. The oils used in leather moisturizer are chosen primarily for shelf life, so that the oil, once appl...More...

How to Make Waist Sarongs

A sarong is the ideal accessory to a beach outfit. Incredibly versatile, a sarong can transform a poolside bikini into an informal dining outfit at the end of a day of sunbathing. What's more, the enormous array of colors and styles of sarongs means that they can be used to compliment a bikini of an...More...

Uses of Eye Masks

Eye masks are traditionally reached for as sleeping aids. They can help people achieve a restful sleep, and healthy sleep habits positively impact physical and emotional health. Eye masks can do more than block light, however. There are models on the market that serve alternative functions, such as ...More...

Tips on Hiding Your Body Piercings For Work

It can be regrettable that we have to have a job in order to live, but it is a tragedy that not all jobs let us express our individuality. Piercings, particularly piercings on the face, are a great way to express individuality, but some employers ban them because of the way it may reflect on the com...More...