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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Ready? Go! Tweak.

Let's set the scene. You're in a packed stadium. It's the Olympics and you're watching the 100-metre sprint. You're up in the nosebleed section and you see what resembles little "ants" stretching on the field ... ...More...


Fasting and prayer is like twine, then go together. If you are praying, it's good idea to fast while you are doing it. And if you are fasting, it's also a good idea to prayer while y...More...

Who's Afraid Of Fear?

Fear is a universal experience. A lot of it is useful as it helps us react to danger and take evasive action. Other fears are more persistent, nagging, and seem to form a vicious circle that keeps going around. Here, the person going through this experience may need to gain some self-understanding t...More...

The Atmosphere of Expectancy

Isn't this just a beautiful phrase?? I happened to hear it this week on a channel I would never ordinarily be exposed to in my world by simply being open to something new, and these words just hit me in the heart. Whatever your religious persuasion or affiliation, miracles can occur in any form...More...

Our Ego's Deepest Need - Appreciation

Our ego has a lot of needs.It wants to be safe, it wants to be comfortable, it wants to be stimulated.But most of all it just wants to be appreciated.Appreciation is the deepest need of our ego- deeper even than love (at least what the ego thinks of as love).The ego craves appreciation and it will g...More...

Becoming More Decisive

The person who is indecisive is probably so because of a lack of self confidence. You can learn to anticipate problems to avoid negative circumstances...More...

A Realization of Being Empowered

©2008 I've become empowered, in total and full control of my life, even when there's something that blindsides you when you least expect it. The thing is, I didn't ask, seek or want this new ... ...More...

Behind the Mask

Can you recall ever seeing a young child hiding his face behind his hand, in the belief that because he can't see you, he's actually disappeared and no-one can see him? This sort of "hiding" isn't a behaviour that is unique to children - The way in which adults hide can be l...More...

How to Get a Guy Back That Dumped You? Tricks That Will Surely Work

It is very difficult to be dumped, particularly if you think that the one who dumped you is a guy you really love. But it happens all the time even if things look to be going better. Many women think that why his loved one abandons her and what will she do if this situation happens....More...

Time Is a Zero-Sum Game

Too much on your plate? Trying to figure out what is important and what you can let go? Find out how this author's new dog helped her decide her priorities....More...

Build Confidence With People And Self Help

In many societies, a special group of people exists, who feel themselves "different" from others. Conversely, we find that they are participating in entertaining activities and training. Consequently, they are gaining self-confidence and adopting a more positive attitude towards life....More...

In Life Getting Motivated Can Be One of the Hardest Things to Do

I have been life coaching for 4 years on this topics and other, but in the economy we have I have found that many people have just lost their motivation to do anything. Many of my new clients want me to just help them to want to get up in the morning, due to fact they think life is not worth living....More...

Thinking About Speedy Advice In Skin Care

It couldn't be genetics; it must be the egg yolks or other food products she slathers on her face. At bedtime, do some meditation or deep breathing exercises to release your anxiety and take in fresh, clean thoughts. As an example, skyn ICELAND's Angelica Line Smoother including Natural Ga...More...

Lighting Up the World - Your Light is Essential and Here's Why

Enlightenment of the world must, by necessity, begin with the individual and then extend outward to all other individuals. So, this is in essence, an invitation to you to now move deeper and more intensively into a constant practice of this Truth towards the purpose of expanding and accelerating you...More...

Life Challeges and What You Can Do About Them

Challenges are a part of life. We all encounter events, people and situations we have difficulties accepting or dealing with. They could be your husband's annoying habits, your not-that-great job, your own procrastination, your financial ... ...More...

Learning To Love Yourself

Learning to be at peace with your inner being is an essential part of achieving your goals. If you are constantly meditating on negative and discouraging thoughts then you're bound to go in a negative ... ...More...

Raising Spiritual Children

I have had the privilege being father to 3 sons and a daughter. I have worked with young people in various capacities since 1972 including teaching for 18 years. In 1993, I wrote the only leadership-training program especially for young people, 7 - 21 years of age, available in the US at the time....More...