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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

The Stepping Stones of Life

Life is one journey of many stages, hence the stepping stones of life. Each event colours your growth and leads you along to the next stage of progression....More...

History of Witchcraft and Spells

In order to become a witch, you will need to know something about the history of witchcraft and magic workings. This will also prove useful as you will combine spells from different types of magic. That is what really powerful witches do; combine more spells in order to obtain the perfect magic....More...

Idly By

Idle means not moving or no good coming from. When we sit idly by or listen to idle gossip, usually no good comes from it. It is easy to be idle because taking action requires movement. Taking action requires standing up for what you believe is right. Taking action requires getting out of a comfort ...More...

3 Technologies That Will Make Your Life Easier

As a techie I am always looking for new and better ways to use technology in my life. Through these searches, I always come across some great ideas that most people don't know about. In this post I will discuss three of these ideas and how to use these technologies to make your life easier....More...

How to Experience the Bliss of Samadhi

In Samadhi, there is such a tremendous feeling of bliss because there is truly no inner judge or discriminatory mind present. There may be thoughts that pass through the mind, yet you are no longer clinging onto them....More...

The Magnetic Effect of Aiming High to Obtain Your Desires!

You need to do only one thing to Aim high! That is to determine your goal first, without worrying about the strategy of how to achieve them! All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their aim on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible... Orison Swe...More...

Changing Your Flow of Thoughts

You can think discouraging, disheartening and depressing things to yourself; or you can think inspiring, motivating and rousing things to yourself, but again you will not be able to stop thinking things to yourself all together.So instead of attempting to build a dam for your river of thoughts, chan...More...

How Do You Smell? Are You a Rose Or Skunkweed?

"What's in a name. That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell so sweet." Shakespeare's famous line is revealing. The sweet smell of a rose does not change even when its name or unsurpassed beauty may become changed or flawed. A person's life may be described in...More...

The Upside of Downsizing

The recession has hit all of us, and as awful as it is, especially for those who have lost their jobs or homes, it can be possible for something good to come out of all this misery. I know this, not only as a psychiatrist, but as someone who has downsized her life from a large, supposed dream house,...More...

Coaching Tip - Ask For Forgiveness Not For Permission

Are you always asking for permission before doing things? You might even get nervous before asking, and prepare a speech to try to convince whoever it is of your intentions. And you know it's a great idea but they seem not to see it....More...

Happiness is an Inside Job

Have you ever found yourself struggling to make the right decision? You may notice there's a part of you that wants to say 'yes,' when another part deep inside cries 'no.' I've disco...More...