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Women's Health : Health & Medical

How to Increase Libido in Women Naturally

Most women experience a drop in their sex drive as they get older. There are a lot of reasons behind this drop in libido. This article lists some of the best ways to boost libido in women naturally....More...

Is Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Right For You?

Pregnancy can put pressure on the sciatic nerve that causes leg pain. Some chiropractors say they are able to resolve this problem. They also say there are techniques that will help ensure a safe and easy delivery..The actual goal with chiropractic care during pregnancy is to make the whole body ope...More...

Endometriosis and Licorice

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know, herbs play a very important role in so...More...

Some Self Defense Tips For Women

Though overall the world is safe, for some women simply walking alone on the street can be treacherous. Though being constantly paranoid is not a good solution, it still pays to be careful when out alone, especially in the dark. If you are accosted by a would-be attacker, there are some things you c...More...

Fetal Development - Learn More About The Stages Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful part of any woman’s life. During the stages of pregnancy it’s important for every pregnant woman to closely monitor what’s going with her body to ensure that both mother and child are safe and healthy during the pregnancy....More...

A Pepper Spray Easy To Carry Anywhere

Nowadays, a lot of people are very aware of the threat of being abused or even violated most often verbally by the use of blunted words by people not acquainted to them or in Layman's term, strangers. These kinds of people often have no regard of whether they hurt others through the words they ...More...

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - For Cellulite!

Lymphatic drainage massage is a quick and clever way to stimulate the lymphatic system in order to drain the build up of waste fluid from cells in the body. It is a well known and very effective treat...More...

Permanent Drug Detoxification

When a person decides to stop using drugs, that's only the first step in the healing process. In an attempt to undo some of the damage that has been done to the drug users' body, they often will attempt to do a full body detoxification. While there are a lot of options on the market for those who wa...More...

Poverty, Substance Abuse, and Ignorance Drive Violence Against Women

In the Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol, Scrooge recoils in horror from the deformed children Ignorance and Want. Just as the spirit warned of the destructive power of these two in the 19th century, modern researchers are demonstrating how women caught in the cycle of poverty and lack of ......More...

Discover the Path to Relaxation With an Indian Head Massage at a Spa

There are many ways in which you can choose to relax, but if you are looking for that something extra, you need to treat yourself to an Indian head massage at a spa.The brain is the driving force behind all of our emotions and stress. Luckily, you can give your brain a rest by enjoying this fantasti...More...

Preparing for Labor-pregnancy

Giving birth can be scary for any women. As a mom over 35, you may have already dealt with high risk pregnancy care, and you may be aware of statistics indicating that older women and their babies oft...More...

DIY Solutions For Female Sexual Dysfunctions

For many women, discussing about the lack of sexual satisfaction is almost a taboo. Not even the sex partner can know that the she is suffering from such sexual dysfunction. Many would prefer not to speak about it. The effect of failure to disclose means that the woman would suffer other social cons...More...

The Yoga of Menopause - Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

It's big news when a favored medical treatment - HRT for menopausal women - is found to be harmful. But it's no news to those who have been blowing the whistle on both scientific and alternative treatments of menopause for nearly two decades....More...

Should I Use an Anti Wrinkle Cream?

Staying beautiful and young-looking is everyone's concern these days. Despite the busy schedules and hectic demands of work, our appearance becomes more deteriorated than it should be. Not only does stress make this happen but also as our age grows older, more signs of aging start to appear....More...