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Men's Health : Health & Medical


AuthorKathe Gallagher, MSWAuthorEllie RodgersEditorGeri MetzgerAssociate EditorLila HavensAssociate EditorTerrina VailPrimary Medical ReviewerAdam Husney, MD - Family MedicinePrimary Medical ReviewerJoy Melnikow, MD, MPH - Family MedicineSpecialist Medical ReviewerC. Dale Mercer, MD, FRCSC, FACS - G...More...

Suffering From ED, Time to Test Your Relationship!

Is erectile dysfunction still coming in between you and your partner? Do you feel depressed and sad when you think about your inability to get an erection? Do you feel incapable and incomplete?Well, if you could have the above feelings your condition is serious and you are really in need of medical ...More...

Premature Ejaculation Control

Imagine being able to finally truly satisfy your lover in every way possible. If we are going to be honest right now, you can not satisfy a woman if you can not last long in bed. In this article we will be going over three different exercises you can do to really enhance how long you last in bed. I ...More...

How to Ejaculate More Semen - Some Easy Tips

A larger volume of semen can heighten pleasure on ejaculation. It is possible to increase your semen volume with some easy changes in diet and lifestyle. Herbal or natural semen pills can also help boost your semen production....More...

Tri-Mix Gel Review - How Does It Work?

Tri-Mix Gel is a prescription form of male enhancement that comes in a unique form. Instead of taking a pill, this product is injected directly into your blood stream. This equates to very fast acting results that can tackle erectile dysfunction very quickly and efficiently. The product isn't h...More...

How to Have Sex For the First Time

Learn how to have sex for the first time by following the answers of these commonly asked questions.What If I Can't Get It Up?This might sounds weird but your penis can work really well for years and then at the first sign of sexual intercourse, it may let you down....More...

Maintaining a Healthy Penis - Why Men Should Care About Penis Health

Aside from a small percentage of men, most guys would rather not spend a great deal of time on grooming and self-care. But while guys do not generally give the same attention to skin care as their female counterparts, penis care should be part of the daily personal hygiene regimen. The penis is a de...More...

Dealing With Male Incontinence

One of the most popular myths surrounding incontinence is that it is a health condition experienced only by women. That is so not true, men can suffer from incontinence too and this is what I'm going to talk about in this article. Another common myth that surrounds incontinence is the fact that...More...